New Director’s Message to AW2 Soldiers, Veterans, and Families

LTC (P) Gregory H. Gadson took charge of AW2 on July 13, 2010.

By LTC (P) Greg Gadson, AW2 Director

As the new AW2 Director, I am honored to have been selected for this significant responsibility and I am eager to execute AW2′s mission to provide personalized support to the Army’s severely wounded, ill, and injured Soldiers, Veterans, and Families. My 22-year military career—from a field artillery commission at West Point to Battalion Commander in Iraq—has always centered on Soldiers’ long-term success. Their success is my success.

At AW2, I will continue to measure success through Soldiers…their integration back to duty or into a new civilian life. I know the transition process isn’t easy for wounded warriors or their loved ones. I understand because I am one. I lost both my legs due to an IED in Iraq, and like many, went through the difficult process that required the support of my faith, my Family, and my friends. For each of us, our injuries are just a chapter in our lives—what matters is what we do next.

Whether you’re in a WTU, continue to wear the uniform, or have plugged into your community, you are an inspiration to those around you, whether you realize it or not. You’re an inspiration for your neighbors, for your fellow Soldiers, and for the wounded yet to come. It’s a role I hope you each take seriously, as I have.

To AW2 Families, I want to acknowledge you as the often unseen and seldom acknowledged backbone of our servicemembers. I’ve leaned on my own wife and children throughout my Army career, as we’ve moved from post to post, as I deployed, and through my own recovery. While your continued sacrifices can never be repaid, I will say, the Army—and especially AW2—stands behind you. Our Soldiers could not be who they are or achieve what they do without your involvement. Thank you.

For me, life is not about what you’re getting out of it—it’s what you’re putting into it, and for me I am ready to start putting in the hard work that will ensure AW2′s continues to be an umbrella of expertise for all AW2 Soldiers, Veterans, and Families.

I look forward to the opportunities to come and building on AW2′s proven success.

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