Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature
International Astronomical Union (IAU) Working Group for Planetary System Nomenclature (WGPSN)
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Target: IAPETUS [x]

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Your search results (1 - 50 of 69)
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Center Latitude Center Longitude Northernmost Latitude Southernmost Latitude Easternmost Longitude Westernmost Longitude Coordinate System
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14451 Acelin Acelin Iapetus 38 42.7 154.9 - - - - +W (0-360) EU - France Crater, craters AA - Approved Aug 5, 2008 [29] Aceline of Gascony, one of the Twelve Peers, the council of King Charles. Aug 5, 2008
14452 Adelroth Adelroth Iapetus 57 6.6 183.6 - - - - +W (0-360) EU - France Crater, craters AA - Approved Aug 5, 2008 [29] Marsilion’s nephew, killed by Roland in the first battle. Nov 17, 2008
198 Almeric Almeric Iapetus 43 53.4 276 53.7 53.2 273.7 279.4 +W (0-360) EU - France Crater, craters AA - Approved 1982 [29] One of 12 peers, killed by Marsilion. Defines 276 degrees longitude on Iapetus. Center longitude changed from 276.6 to 276.0 May 15, 2008. May 15, 2008
14453 AnseĂŻs Anseis Iapetus 48 -40.7 290.8 - - - - +W (0-360) EU - France Crater, craters AA - Approved Aug 5, 2008 [29] One of the Twelve Peers; kills Turgis; killed by Malquiant. Nov 17, 2008
14454 Astor Astor Iapetus 122 14.9 321.2 - - - - +W (0-360) EU - France Crater, craters AA - Approved Aug 5, 2008 [29] A French baron; ruled over Valence on Rhone. Aug 5, 2008
576 Baligant Baligant Iapetus 66 16.4 224.9 16.6 16.2 222.7 227.2 +W (0-360) EU - France Crater, craters AA - Approved 1982 [29] Emir of Babylon; Marsilion enlisted his help against Charlemagne. Oct 1, 2006
625 Basan Basan Iapetus 76 33.3 194.7 33.7 32.8 191 198.4 +W (0-360) EU - France Crater, craters AA - Approved 1982 [29] French baron; Murdered while serving as Ambassador of Marsilon. Oct 1, 2006
14455 Basbrun Basbrun Iapetus 80 -52 111.8 - - - - +W (0-360) EU - France Crater, craters AA - Approved Aug 5, 2008 [29] Charlemagne’s officer who hung Ganelon’s 30 relatives. Nov 17, 2008
14456 Basile Basile Iapetus 6 -0.7 187.9 - - - - +W (0-360) EU - France Crater, craters AA - Approved Aug 5, 2008 [29] French baron; murdered near Haltile with his brother Basan while serving as ambassador to Marsilion. Aug 5, 2008
698 Berenger Berenger Iapetus 84 62.1 219.7 62.5 61.7 212.7 226.7 +W (0-360) EU - France Crater, craters AA - Approved 1982 [29] One of twelve peers; killed Estramarin; killed by Grandoyne. Oct 1, 2006
718 Besgun Besgun Iapetus 56 76 309.8 76.6 75.4 301.4 318.3 +W (0-360) EU - France Crater, craters AA - Approved 1982 [29] Chief cook for Charlemagne's army; he guarded Ganelon after Ganelon's treachery was discovered. Oct 1, 2006
14457 Bevon Bevon Iapetus 48 70.7 93 - - - - +W (0-360) EU - France Crater, craters AA - Approved Aug 5, 2008 [29] A French baron; killed by Marsilion. Aug 5, 2008
14458 Bramimond Bramimond Iapetus 200 38 178 - - - - +W (0-360) EU - France Crater, craters AA - Approved Aug 5, 2008 [29] Queen of Saragossa, wife of Marsilion. Aug 5, 2008
14490 Carcassone Montes Carcassone Montes Iapetus 740 0 216.7 0 0 188.8 246 +W (0-360) EU - France Mons, montes MO - Approved Aug 5, 2008 [29] Town in southern France sacked by Roland. Aug 5, 2008
1047 Cassini Regio Cassini Regio Iapetus 0 -28.1 92.6 6.8 -1.8 244.4 306.5 +W (0-360) EU - Italy Regio, regiones RE - Approved 1982 [68] Italian-French astronomer who discovered Iapetus in 1671, Rhea in 1672, Tethys and Dione in 1684 (1625-1712). Oct 1, 2006
1150 Charlemagne Charlemagne Iapetus 95 55 258.8 55.2 54.9 252.2 265.5 +W (0-360) EU - France Crater, craters AA - Approved 1982 [29] Emperor of France and Germanic nations; his forces fought the Saracens in Spain. Oct 1, 2006
14459 Clarin Clarin Iapetus 84 18.3 71.6 - - - - +W (0-360) EU - France Crater, craters AA - Approved Aug 5, 2008 [29] Saracen lord and emissary to Charles. Aug 5, 2008
14460 Climborin Climborin Iapetus 49 30.4 116.9 - - - - +W (0-360) EU - France Crater, craters AA - Approved Aug 5, 2008 [29] Saracen lord who gave his helmet to Ganelon; killed by Oliver. Aug 5, 2008
14491 Cordova Mons Cordova Mons Iapetus 85 0 206.2 0 0 203 209.5 +W (0-360) EU - France Mons, montes MO - Approved Aug 5, 2008 [29] Town in Spain taken by Charlemagne. Aug 5, 2008
14461 Corsablis Corsablis Iapetus 73 0.9 114.2 - - - - +W (0-360) EU - France Crater, craters AA - Approved Aug 5, 2008 [29] Saracen lord; volunteered to fight at Roncevaux Pass; killed Archbishop Turpin in the first battle. Aug 5, 2008
14462 Dapamort Dapamort Iapetus 49 36.6 84.9 - - - - +W (0-360) EU - France Crater, craters AA - Approved Aug 5, 2008 [29] A Saracen king from Lycia; leader in Baligant’s army. Nov 17, 2008
14463 Engelier Engelier Iapetus 504 -40.5 264.7 - - - - +W (0-360) EU - France Crater, craters AA - Approved Aug 5, 2008 [29] One of Twelve Peers, the Gascon of Bordeaux; the most valiant knight, killed by Climborin in the first battle. Aug 5, 2008
14464 Escremiz Escremiz Iapetus 0.06 1.6 173.5 - - - - +W (0-360) EU - France Crater, craters AA - Approved Aug 5, 2008 [29] Escremiz of Valterne; volunteered to fight at Roncevaux Pass; killed by Engelier in the first battle. Aug 5, 2008
14465 Eudropin Eudropin Iapetus 42 0.9 220.7 - - - - +W (0-360) EU - France Crater, craters AA - Approved Aug 5, 2008 [29] Saracen lord and emissary to Charles. Aug 5, 2008
14466 Falsaron Falsaron Iapetus 424 33.8 82.6 - - - - +W (0-360) EU - France Crater, craters AA - Approved Aug 5, 2008 [29] Brother of King Marsilion; killed by Oliver. Aug 5, 2008
14467 Ganelon Ganelon Iapetus 230 -44.3 19.8 - - - - +W (0-360) EU - France Crater, craters AA - Approved Aug 5, 2008 [29] French count; stepfather of Roland; brother-in-law of Roland’s uncle Charlemagne; betrays Roland and the French rear guard to Marsilion. Nov 17, 2008
14468 Garlon Garlon Iapetus 47 -3.2 240.5 - - - - +W (0-360) EU - France Crater, craters AA - Approved Aug 5, 2008 [29] Saracen lord and emissary to Charles. Aug 5, 2008
14492 Gayne Mons Gayne Mons Iapetus 65 0 176 0 0 173.5 178.5 +W (0-360) EU - France Mons, montes MO - Approved Aug 5, 2008 [29] Spanish town whose walls Roland had shattered. Aug 5, 2008
2129 Geboin Geboin Iapetus 81 58.6 173.4 58.9 58.2 167.6 179.2 +W (0-360) EU - France Crater, craters AA - Approved 1982 [29] Guarded French dead; became leader of Charlemagne's 2nd column. Oct 1, 2006
14469 Gerin Gerin Iapetus 445 -45.6 233 - - - - +W (0-360) EU - France Crater, craters AA - Approved Aug 5, 2008 [29] One of the Twelve Peers; kills Malprimis; killed by Grandoyne. Aug 5, 2008
2200 Godefroy Godefroy Iapetus 63 71.9 249.1 72.2 71.7 241.8 256.5 +W (0-360) EU - France Crater, craters AA - Approved 1982 [29] Standard bearer of Charlemagne; brother of Tierri, Charlemagne's defender against Pinabel. Oct 1, 2006
2236 Grandoyne Grandoyne Iapetus 65 17.7 214.5 17.9 17.6 211.8 217.2 +W (0-360) EU - France Crater, craters AA - Approved 1982 [29] Son of Cappadocian King Capuel; killed Gerin, Gerier, Berenger, Guy St. Antoine, Duke Astorge; killed by Roland. Oct 1, 2006
14493 Haltile Mons Haltile Mons Iapetus 45 0 190.4 0 0 188.8 191.7 +W (0-360) EU - France Mons, montes MO - Approved Aug 5, 2008 [29] Place in Spain near which Basan and Basilie were murdered by Marsilion. Aug 5, 2008
2341 Hamon Hamon Iapetus 96 10.6 270 11.1 10.1 266.3 273.8 +W (0-360) EU - France Crater, craters AA - Approved 1982 [29] Joint Commander of Charlemagne's Eighth Division. Oct 1, 2006
14470 Ivon Ivon Iapetus 100 18 315 - - - - +W (0-360) EU - France Crater, craters AA - Approved Aug 5, 2008 [29] Frankish baron, one of the Twelve Peers. Aug 5, 2008
14471 Johun Johun Iapetus 64 12.4 83.4 - - - - +W (0-360) EU - France Crater, craters AA - Approved Aug 5, 2008 [29] Johun of Outremer; Saracen lord and emissary to Charles. Aug 5, 2008
14472 Jurfaleu Jurfaleu Iapetus 107 13 2.5 - - - - +W (0-360) EU - France Crater, craters AA - Approved Aug 5, 2008 [29] Son of Marsilion, Saracen king of Spain. Aug 5, 2008
3470 Lorant Lorant Iapetus 44 65.2 159.8 65.4 64.9 155.5 164.1 +W (0-360) EU - France Crater, craters AA - Approved 1982 [29] French commander of one of first divisions against Baligant; killed by Baligant. Oct 1, 2006
14473 Malprimis Malprimis Iapetus 377 -15.2 118.2 - - - - +W (0-360) EU - France Crater, craters AA - Approved Aug 5, 2008 [29] A Saracen lord from Brigale; killed by Gerin in the first battle. Aug 5, 2008
14474 Malun Malun Iapetus 121 5.9 41.3 - - - - +W (0-360) EU - France Crater, craters AA - Approved Aug 5, 2008 [29] A Saracen lord; killed by Oliver. Aug 5, 2008
14475 Margaris Margaris Iapetus 75 27.7 135.8 - - - - +W (0-360) EU - France Crater, craters AA - Approved Aug 5, 2008 [29] Saracen lord from Seville; volunteered to fight at Roncevaux Pass. Aug 5, 2008
3722 Marsilion Marsilion Iapetus 136 39.2 176.1 39.3 39.2 168.9 183.2 +W (0-360) EU - France Crater, craters AA - Approved 1982 [29] Saracen king of Spain; Roland wounds him and he died of wound later. Oct 1, 2006
14476 Matthay Matthay Iapetus 58 -3.5 187.4 - - - - +W (0-360) EU - France Crater, craters AA - Approved Aug 5, 2008 [29] Saracen lord and emissary to Charles. Aug 5, 2008
3905 Milon Milon Iapetus 119 67.9 270.2 68.2 67.6 256.9 282.9 +W (0-360) EU - France Crater, craters AA - Approved 1982 [29] Guarded French dead while Charlemagne pursued Saracen forces. Oct 1, 2006
14477 Naimon Naimon Iapetus 244 9.3 329.3 - - - - +W (0-360) EU - France Crater, craters AA - Approved Aug 5, 2008 [29] King Charles’ wisest counselor. Nov 17, 2008
14478 Nevelon Nevelon Iapetus 49 -33.2 197 - - - - +W (0-360) EU - France Crater, craters AA - Approved Aug 5, 2008 [29] Shares command of Charlemagne’s sixth division; leader of part of the 5th column. Nov 17, 2008
4412 Ogier Ogier Iapetus 100 42.5 275.1 43 42 269.7 280.6 +W (0-360) EU - France Crater, craters AA - Approved 1982 [29] Dane who led 3rd column in Charlemagne's army against Baligant's forces. Oct 1, 2006
4440 Oliver Oliver Iapetus 113 62.5 200.8 63 62.1 190.9 210.7 +W (0-360) EU - France Crater, craters AA - Approved 1982 [29] Roland's friend; mortally wounded by Marganice. Oct 1, 2006
4522 Othon Othon Iapetus 86 33.3 347.8 33.3 33.2 343.6 352 +W (0-360) EU - France Crater, craters AA - Approved 1982 [29] One of twelve peers; guarded French dead while Charlemagne pursued Saracen forces; sixth column leader. Oct 1, 2006
14479 Pinabel Pinabel Iapetus 83 -39 33 - - - - +W (0-360) EU - France Crater, craters AA - Approved Aug 5, 2008 [29] Pinabel of Sorence, a French baron, Ganelon's kinsmen and skilled speaker. Large and powerful, he agrees to fight Thierry to settle the issue of Ganelon's guilt and he lost the judicial combat. Aug 5, 2008

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