Submission Number: 00179 

Received: 10/28/2011
Commenter: Amy Jussel
Agency: Federal Trade Commission
Initiative: Proposed Consent Agreement In the Matter of Phusion Projects, LLC; Jaisen Freeman; Christopher Hunter; and Jeffrey Wright; FTC File No. 112 3084
Attachments: No Attachments
Submission Text
Please understand the liability and irresponsible recklessness of packaging and mega-marketing giant sized cans of FourLoko which will no doubt put youth at risk for alcohol/blood poisoning via binge drinking with the apparent endorsement of 2.5 drinks as an acceptable single-serving size. (despite the fact that one drink for females/two for males is the fed guideline as is)
We cannot continue to ignore toxic implications and harmful innuendo sent to kids with media and marketing, as I've outlined here in this post "Corporate Blunders are a Dime (Bag) A Dozen""p=1065 It's bad enough we've got toy manufacturers marketing 'partying' cues to kids with hot tub/cocktail glasses and Brattitude or 'Monster High' dolls 'partying' (shelved at eye level for toddlers NOT tweens/tweens no less)
Having spent 25+ years in ad agencies and marketing, I can attest to the fact that the 'revised label' will actually HELP not hinder sales to kids by calling out the higher alcohol content, and with the vulnerable target market (youth swigging alcopops at increasingly younger ages, marketed by folks like SnoopDogg's endorsement of BLAST etc) it saddens me that the FTC is choosing to rubberstamp a bad, BAD idea.
We cannot 'legislate stupidity'---but we CAN legislate packaging to curb harmful outcomes, as we've seen with the recent removal of EnergyDrinks w/Alcohol conundrum I wrote about in "A Monster Mix of Madness""p=1589
Please put public health ahead of profit-making private interests, for the sake of youth everywhere. You have the power, use it with authority, for good.