Submission Number: 00069 

Received: 10/27/2011
Commenter: Deb Roney
Agency: Federal Trade Commission
Initiative: Proposed Consent Agreement In the Matter of Phusion Projects, LLC; Jaisen Freeman; Christopher Hunter; and Jeffrey Wright; FTC File No. 112 3084
Attachments: No Attachments
Submission Text
Come on.......Do you really want your children, grandchildren or great grandchildren drinking this stuff" Do you really think the checker at the 7-11 knows or cares if this is alcoholic and will really do anything to stop a juvenile from buying it" If you do, I'd like to sell you a bridge in Brooklyn. Let's stop lying to everyone and make laws based on common sense and not helping some idiot make a buck.
If you really want to allow the sale of this stuff why don't you tack on a mandatory tax payers' health insurance policy on each drink to help pay for the health care bills/car insurance bills they may cause the taxpayer" I'm all for people doing idiotic things to themselves, but I (Joe taxpayer) don't want to pick up the tab. So if you want to put this on the shelf for the idiots who will buy it, make them invest in their own damage control.
Aactually I'm all for an insurance fund fee for cigarettes, alcohol, tanning salons, motorcycles, fireworks, skateboards, bungycord diving, sky diving.....etc. and any other product that causes a drastic increase in probability of future costs to the taxpayer. We do it with rental cars, we should do it with all dangerous products.
But certianly, a sweet alcoholic product which looks like a soda, geered towards underaged drinkers is not a good idea. You don't really need me to tell you that. Do the right thing for society if you want America to succeed. We're on the way down, you don't need to give us a push.