IMCOM Live Blogging from AFAP Worldwide Conference

AW2 booth at the 2010 AFAP Worldwide Conference

AW2 booth at the 2010 AFAP Worldwide Conference

The U.S. Army Installation Management Command (IMCOM) is live blogging from the 2010 Army Family Action Plan (AFAP) Worldwide Conference this week in Arlington, VA. IMCOM is the U.S. Army organization that provides unified management and oversight of U.S. Army installations worldwide and oversees the Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation Command as well as the Army Environmental Command.

The AW2 Blog will feature thoughts and experiences from AW2 Soldiers and Family members who are attending the AFAP Worldwide Conference as delegates, but the live blog at IMCOM gives a great summary of each day and how the AFAP process works to address issues that are of concern to all Army Families:

Several of the blog entries feature commentary from IMCOM Commander LTG Rick Lynch as well as photos from the conference on IMCOM’s Flickr account.

AW2 to Participate in 2010 AFAP Worldwide Conference

The Army Family Action Plan (AFAP) Worldwide Conference will be held this week in Arlington, VA. AFAP was founded 25 years ago by a group of spouses who felt Army leadership should hear from Family members on bases around the world. Throughout the year AFAP conducts various different conferences, including the AW2 Symposium, to prioritize and highlight issues submitted by Army Soldiers and Families to Army leadership.

At the AFAP Worldwide Conference, delegates will vote on issues presented at previous conferences to be selected for presentation to Army leadership. Once the issues are selected, they are then sent to the Army Chief of Staff, Vice Chief of Staff, and Sergeant Major of the Army, who then assign them to relevant officers for actions.

AW2 will be participating in the 2010 AFAP Conference and will be presenting the Top 10 2009 AW2 Symposium Issues:

  • Community Support Coordinators in Geographically Dispersed Area
  • Comprehensive Psycoeducation for PTSD & TBI for Soldiers, Families, and Caregivers
  • Concurrent Receipt of Retired and VA Disability Pay
  • Process to Address Patient Feedback System in All VA Treatment Facilities
  • PTSD & TBI Education for DoD Healthcare Personnel
  • Stipend for Primary Caregivers of Ill/Injured Servicemembers
  • Service Dogs for Wounded Warriors
  • Understaffing of Behavioral Health Providers on All Army Installations
  • Enforcement of Medical Profile Compliance
  • Soldiers with PTSD/TBI Separated under Psychological / Behavioral Disorder Chapters

These issues were voted on by the AW2 Soldiers, Families, and Caregivers that attended the summer 2009 AW2 Symposium in San Antonio, TX.

Several AW2 Soldiers, Veterans, and Families from the 2009 AW2 Symposium will be attending the 2010 AFAP Worldwide Conference and the AW2 Blog will feature stories from them about their experiences at AFAP later in the week.

AW2 Symposium: Wrapping Up

Focus Groups Finish Issue Statements

The focus group sessions finished this afternoon, and delegates are anxious to vote on the top Symposium issues tomorrow morning. They spent most of today finalizing the scope of their issue statements and writing them in Army Family Action Plan (AFAP) format.

AW2 spouse Kimmie Davis was selected spokesperson for the Family group, and she is excited to present to leadership tomorrow. “All the statistics don’t matter at this point,” she said. “What matters is fixing the problems.”

“My group made a good partnership,” said AW2 Soldier Jay Wilkerson. “I wanted to be a delegate because I wanted to help level the playing field so all Soldiers have access to the same opportunities.”

AW2 spouse Julie Jones said the Medical II group has narrowed their issues. “We’re just working hard to coordinate it right so the Army takes appropriate action,” she said. “We think it’s such an important issue that affects Soldiers all over the country, and we’re very passionate about it.”

AW2 Advocate Clay Rankin is also an AW2 Soldier who attended Symposium as a delegate last year. “This year was so different, because I spent my time taking care of Soldiers,” he said. “I love taking care of Soldiers whether they’re sick, upset, or just need a few minutes of down time.” Clay and his service dog Archie were among the most popular Symposium participants. “We even joined the Medical I group for a while to talk about the financial issues facing Veterans with service dogs. And everyone loves Archie!” he added.

Operation Purple Camp Presentation

Tonight, AW2 kids and the National Military Family Association (NMFA) treated delegates to a presentation on their Ultimate Urban Adventure. AW2 Sergeant Major SGM Brent Jurgersen told the crowd that “this is the best show in San Antonio tonight! There’s nothing more precious than our kids.”

The kids immediately paraded into the Texas Ballroom with military precision. Their eyes twinkled in a mix of excitement and exhaustion. Several made eye contact with their parents across the room, as AW2 Soldiers, Veterans, and spouses focused digital cameras with pride.

“We’ve focused on fun this week,” said Liz Larsen, NMFA Field Coordinator, “but we’ve also tried to instill the idea that kids serve too. Your children are great examples of a military child.”

Many of the Operation Purple Camp activities took place at the YMCA of Greater San Antonio. Camp Director Jason McColl introduced his staff and mentioned that most of them had never worked with military children before. “We fell in love with your kids,” Jason told AW2 delegates. “We had a blast working with them, and serving your children was an honor and privilege.”

Operation Purple Camp incorporated the idea of Army Strong, Family Strong into the week’s activities. Each child gave their parents a written note about what it means to be Family Strong. “Reading these notes makes me proud to be an Army wife,” said Liz, before she anonymously read some of the messages aloud:

  • My Family is strong because my dad is strong, and we will never give up.
  • My dad is my hero. Even though you got injured fighting for my freedom, you’re still strong.
  • I love you because you fought for my independence.

Each age group of campers then presented a cadence they’d written specifically for the week, including a stomp performance by the teenagers. Here’s the breakdown of the group names:

  • Screaming Eagles (ages 5-7)
  • Army Brats (ages 8-9)
  • Delta Force (ages 10-12)
  • Nine Strong (ages 13-17)

Liz presented AW2 Director COL Jim Rice and SGM Jurgersen with a purple quilt showcasing pictures of the children and their wounded service member. Then, the crowd laughed and shed a few tears while watching a slide show of the kids engaging in activities at the YMCA, Sea World, and the Alamo.

AW2 Symposium: Making Progress & Having Fun

–By Sarah Greer, AW2 Stratcom–

Prayer Breakfast

Bracamonte Family at Sea World
This morning, approximately 40 delegates and staff attended an optional prayer breakfast hosted by Chaplain MAJ Bob Wichman.  There were a few tears, and a few spouses held hands as they reflected on the emotions of the week.  A couple of delegates mentioned that they appreciated the quiet time and opportunity to regroup.

Chaplain Wichman spoke about “Slaying Your Giants” and shared the story of David and Goliath.  “God will sustain us in all the trials we face,” he said.  “He will help you meet the challenges in your life.”

The audience also enjoyed the musical stylings of Greg Whitfield and Freddie Fuller, “The Singing Cowboy,” who also performed for service members at Camp Liberty, Baghdad in 2007.  Their songs paid tribute to the service and sacrifice of military personnel.

Tonight, all Symposium participants will also have the opportunity to participate in a Worship Hour.

Sea World

Last night’s visit to Sea World was a huge success!  Delegates entered the park free of charge through Sea World’s Here’s to the Heroes program and met their kids, who had been at the park most of the day with Operation Purple Camp.  During the BBQ dinner, “Shamu” walked around and met with most of the Families, shaking hands and taking pictures.

“My kids loved getting wet by Shamu,” said AW2 spouse Desirae Jones.  “My daughter was proud that she liked the rides more than some of the adults.”

AW2 Spouse Brenda Kraft and her husband Ken practically had to drag their twelve-year-old grandson Caleb away from the Steel Eel roller coaster. “We had so much fun, we closed the park,” she said.  “We loved the show with Shamu hitting the ball with his nose, and some of the spouses and I got soaked on the inner-tube ride.”

Focus Groups

The Focus Groups are progressing well and moving through the issues.  They have each prioritized their top two issues, and are now developing the solutions to suggest to Army leadership.

“I feel an inner peace from working on issues that will help such a variety of people,” said Brenda Kraft.

AW2 Advocate Richard Johnson is also an AW2 Soldier, and last year he attended Symposium as a delegate.  “There are interesting dynamics in the VA group,” said Richard.  “At first, people were hesitant to speak their minds – they all thought too much alike.  Once one of the delegates stood up and asked questions, they started having a really healthy discussion.”

“Nobody’s bashful in my group,” said AW2 parent Bill Ireland.  “We’re really vocal, and we’re getting to the heart of these issues.”

Delegate Sandy Brashears is attending Symposium with her sister Linda, who is an AW2 Soldier.  “As a Family member, I wasn’t sure at first about the terminology and found it challenging to articulate my opinions,” said Sandy, “but one of my group members told me that he really appreciates my different perspective.  I’m also grateful for all the information I’m gaining about the programs available to wounded service members, and I look forward to sharing  with a friend at home in Frankfurt who will really be able to use these services.”

Operation Purple Camp

Today, Operation Purple Camp split into two groups.  Children aged 6-9 will go swimming and then enjoy the San Antonio Children’s Museum.  The museum’s interactive exhibits include a Texas Treasure Cave, a cloud room, a Tooth Booth, and even a giant bubble that kids can climb inside.

Meanwhile, the older campers, aged 10-17, will play laser tag and video games.  Both age groups will spend time journaling and engaging in group discussion about their parents’ military service.

AW2 Symposium Helps Families Reconnect

–By Sarah Greer, AW2 Stratcom–

Couples’ Night

Last night, AW2 delegates had a night to themselves, as Operation Purple Camp and childcare extended their hours to 9pm.  However, some delegates just wanted to be with their kids!

“My husband and I missed our two-year-old son,” said AW2 spouse Helory Echang.  “So we picked him up and took him to dinner with us.”

Ricci Moore, one of the Subject Matter Experts, took her 14-year-old son for a sightseeing bus ride and to the Spaghetti Factory.  “We rode past the Alamo and the University of Texas at San Antonio,” she said.  “We really enjoyed seeing the city together.”

Soldiers’ Angels, a non-profit veteran service organization, sponsored dinner for ten delegates at the 750-foot tall Tower of the Americas.  Delegates Joe and Leslie Fowler were among the lucky winners.  “The food was fantastic, and the view was beautiful,” said Leslie.  “We could even see Brooke Army Medical Center, where Joe has been treated for his burns.”

William Self’s wife wasn’t able to join him at the Symposium.  When he won two seats at the dinner, he immediately decided to bring his son, Jacob, as his “date.”  For many delegates, Couples’ Night turned out to be a family affair, a chance for AW2 Soldiers to reconnect with all the Family members who accompanied them to Symposium.

Focus Groups

AW2 Symposium delegates spoke highly of their Focus Group experiences thus far.  The groups are working well together, and the delegates are hopeful and excited about the possibility of improving the Army’s ability to care for wounded warriors and their Family members.

“We haven’t gotten into the button-pushing issues yet,” said AW2 Soldier Darcy Quinlan, a delegate in the Careers group.  “My group has shown real maturity and interest in addressing the issues.”

AW2 Soldier Mario Bracamonte and his spouse Angelica were also impressed with the Focus Groups thus far.  “There are so many important issues in the VA Focus Group,” said Mario.  “In addition to the issues in the books, we’re looking at different aspects of the challenges.  It’s an eye opener to learn what everyone has been through.”

“I can tell that resolution is in the air,” said AW2 Spouse Shenise Stamps. “As a mother of five, Family is my expertise, and even my facilitator commented that the Family group members are very passionate about these issues.  As spouses, we are used to advocating for our children and our husbands.  This week, I hope to impact as many AW2 Families as possible.”  The Stamps Family is certainly enjoying their Symposium experience – ten-month-old Kennedi took her first steps this morning!

Operation Purple Camp Wall of Honor

Over the last two days, AW2 kids have been working on a Wall of Honor dedicated to their parents wounded in the line of duty.  Operation Purple displayed several of the pictures and statements about the parents, including:

  • I am proud of my dad because he goes through a lot to help his family.
  • I’m proud of my dad because he took care of two kids and served in the Army for a long, long time.
  • My dad saved us from the bad guys.
  • I love my dad because he loves me, takes me to the pool, lets me pick lunch, and lost his foot for my freedom.
  • I’m proud of my dad because, even though he was injured in Iraq, he still lives life like nothing ever happened.

Today, Operation Purple campers are going to Sea World!  They’ll get a behind-the-scenes tour, ride the roller coasters, and watch Shamu and other shows.  Tonight, many of their parents will meet them there just in time for a Texas BBQ dinner and more theme park fun through Sea World’s Here’s to the Heroes Program

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