USAID Impact Photo Credit: Nancy Leahy/USAID

Tag archives for Agriculture

USAID Promotes Good Farming Practices in Azerbaijan

A local TV channel interviews USAID’s pomegranate expert at the USAID stand during the annual Pomegranate Festival in Goychay. Photo credit: Anar Azimzade/ACT

For the last couple of years, USAID has been supporting pomegranate farmers and processors with technical assistance and training. Read more >>

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Video of the Week: A New Kind of Development

A New Kind of Development

With JP Morgan and the Gates, Gatsby, and Rockefeller Foundations, USAID delivers much needed growth capital to boost the productivity and profitability of Africa’s undercapitalized agriculture sector. Read more >>

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Video of the Week: Reaching Farmers Where it is Needed Most

Senegal Maize Clip

Video of the Week: A video put together by the FEPROMAS team, a Senegalese farming federation, for USAID’s Fostering Agriculture Competitiveness Employing Information Communication Technologies project. Read more >>

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Bangladeshi Farmers Reap Rewards from New Agricultural Techniques

Half a world away from Des Moines, Iowa, where the World Food Prize “Borlaug Dialogue” International Symposium is being held this week, Bangladeshi farmers are hard at work sowing wheat and maize in their fields.

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From the Field: Farmer Cooperatives in Mozambique

Last week I had the chance to travel around Mozambique with two Senate staff members who were interested in seeing how the U.S. Government is improving food security in the country.

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Pounds of Prevention – Focus on Malawi

“Pounds of Prevention” is a series of short articles that illustrate how disaster risk reduction works and why it is important. Take a behind-the-scenes look at aid work in action, long before the disaster occurs. How is that possible? Read on! Today’s installment, Pounds of Prevention – Focus on Malawi highlights our work in the southern parts [...]

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Video of the Week: Turning the Tide on Global Hunger

In this Feed the Future video, narrator Matt Damon discusses efforts to turn the tide against global hunger and increase agricultural production around the world.

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Got Milk? 300,000 Kenyan Dairy Farmers Do

As a Dairy Value Chain Coordinator, I help Kenyan farmers apply innovative ideas and technologies to increase milk production by changing the way they manage their dairy cows.  I’m able to do this through the USAID-supported Kenya Dairy Sector Competitiveness Program, which aims to increase the quantity and quality of milk produced by smallholder farmers, [...]

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Video of the Week: Bee Keeping in Pakistan

  The floods of 2010 destroyed many people’s farms and  means of income in Swat Valley of Pakistan.  USAID is helping these people get back on their feet.  See the full series of videos, including bee farms, medicinal herbs, fish farms, and more on the USAID Pakistan Mission’s YouTube account.

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Afghanistan’s Banner Year for Agriculture (and how to get more of them)

The 2012 wheat harvest in Afghanistan is shaping up to be one of the best in the last 35 years, according to a new report by the Afghan Ministry of Agriculture. Read more >>

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