USAID Impact Photo Credit: Nancy Leahy/USAID

Tag archives for Family planning

Ethiopia Shares Best Practice for Maternal and Child Survival

Members of the press interview women at a health center in Mikawa, Ethiopia. Photo credit: Nicole Schiegg

In advance of tomorrow’s African Leadership on Child Survival meeting in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, the Ministry of Health organized a media site-visit to showcase their community health extension program and its impact on the country’s tremendous reductions in child mortality. Read more >>

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FrontLines Feature: A USAID Legacy in Latin America: Smaller Families and Better Health

Maryuri Arellano gives a health talk on adolescent pregnancy prevention.

Today, more than 1,000 men and women like Hernández are involved in the country’s ambitious community-based efforts to improve health by helping parents decide the size of their families. Read more >>

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The Right to a Nationality: Women and Children

On July 11, leaders from around the world are meeting in London at the Family Planning Summit to express support for a fundamental component of reproductive rights — the right of every woman to decide freely and responsibly whether, when, and how many children she will have.

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Protecting the Lives of Women and Girls: London Summit on Family Planning

Today I joined leaders from around the world at the London Summit on Family Planning to commit to the goal of providing 120 million women in the world’s poorest countries with lifesaving contraceptives, information, and services by 2020. This Summit comes at a crucial time, following up to last month’s Child Survival Call to Action. [...]

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London Summit on Family Planning

Tomorrow, on World Population Day, world leaders will meet in London to discuss expanding access to family planning for millions of women around the world.  Many people have been asking me why the London Summit on Family Planning is important.  This brings me to think back to when my wife and I first thought about [...]

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Reliable Family Planning Supply Chain Delivers Better Health and Prosperity to Ethiopian Families

“I started using contraceptives after I gave birth to my second child,” said Birtukan Bezabih, a 25-year-old married mother of three in southern Ethiopia. “I did not know that I was pregnant with my second child until [he] started moving inside my womb.  It was just a few months after I gave birth to my [...]

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Dispelling Family Planning Myths in the DRC

“Are family planning methods safe?” wondered Mutombo, a community health worker at the Kawama Village health center, in the Democratic Republic of Congo’s Katanga Province.  “Don’t they contain a poison?” he added, directing his question to Isaac Chishesa, a community mobilization specialist with USAID’s Democratic Republic of Congo-Integrated Health Project (DRC-IHP). Tough question!  One Isaac [...]

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USAID Epidemiologist Q & A on Hormonal Contraception and HIV

This post was originally featured on the International Conference on Family Planning blog. In October, The Lancet Infectious Diseases published a study by Renee Heffron and colleagues suggesting that HIV-negative women using hormonal contraception (HC) might be at increased risk for HIV infection. The study also suggested that HIV-positive women using HC might be at increased [...]

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50 Years of Partnership with Kenya – Part 3 of 4

USAID’s health and population program is a top priority for USAID’s mission in Kenya. USAID works with partners in Kenya to bring health workers directly to the communities.  These health workers provide information and care about HIV/AIDS and malaria programs, as well as work with community religious leaders to discuss family planning.  USAID supports HIV/AIDS [...]

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World Population Day: Why seven billion matters

By Scott Radloff, Director of the Office of Population and Reproductive Health This October 31st the UN has projected that the world population will reach 7 billion.  In my lifetime, the world population has passed the 3, 4, 5, and 6 billion milestones.  During that time the world has become much more interconnected and great [...]

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