USAID Impact Photo Credit: Nancy Leahy/USAID

Tag archives for Feed the Future

Getting to Zero and Eliminating Extreme Poverty

Climate change drives population problems in Uganda. The population lives largely in poverty. And with increasing droughts and heavy, erratic rains destroying farmland and spreading disease, it is important to establish alternative livelihoods for food and create awareness of adaptation for environmental changes – both priorities to protect the wildlife and wild lands.  Photo credit: Julie Larsen Maher, Wildlife Conservation Society

During his State of the Union address, the President articulated a vision that represented one of the clearest, most direct calls to development action in recent years. At USAID, we’ve spent considerable time analyzing what it would take to eradicate extreme poverty. Read more >>

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Flower Power: How Your Valentine’s Day Bouquet is Helping Fight Poverty

These bouquets were made from Kenyan smallholder flowers that are now sold in ASDA grocery stores in the United Kingdom. Photo credit: Fintrac Inc.

Besides showing your special Valentine that you care, flowers are also an important commodity that is changing the lives of Kenyan farmers and improving their food security. Read more >>

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8 Things Our Future Military Leaders Need to Know About Water Management

Chris Holmes with West Point cadets following the lecture on water management. Photo credit: USAID

One day, our future military leaders will be planning and implementing peace-keeping operations, and it is important for them to know how water management approaches can help foster stability, resilience and economic growth. Read more >>

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FrontLines Year in Review: A Right to Land

Asilya Gemmal, 14, of Gure Tebeno Union, proudly displays her land certificate obtained from the Ethiopian Government with USAID assistance. Photo credit: Links Media

Property rights are proving to be a solid foundation for economic empowerment for individuals, corporations and nations, and a potential solution to shore up food security in developing countries. Read more >>

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FrontLines Year in Review: Catching Ethiopians Before They Fall

A beneficiary of the USAID-supported Productive Safety Net Program living near the Mai-Aqui site, in Tigray, Ethiopia

Today, one of Africa’s largest social safety nets does not just protect against chronic food insecurity, it helps communities weather the future. Read more >>

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Video of the Week: A New Kind of Development

A New Kind of Development

With JP Morgan and the Gates, Gatsby, and Rockefeller Foundations, USAID delivers much needed growth capital to boost the productivity and profitability of Africa’s undercapitalized agriculture sector. Read more >>

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Resilience: Safety Net for Reducing Hunger and Malnutrition

David Beckmann is President of Bread for the World

Over the last month, we have watched communities along the New York and New Jersey coastline begin to rebuild from the devastating impact of Hurricane Sandy. It is a reminder that we are all vulnerable to natural disasters that can happen at any time. How communities survive and recover from these shocks depends very much on their resilience Read more >>

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Enough Isn’t Enough: Why Food Security Matters to Me

Roger Thurow, Global Affairs Senior Fellow, The Chicago Council

Traditionally centered around a big meal to celebrate good harvests and time with family, Thanksgiving is also an opportunity to reflect on what we’re thankful for and our wishes for the future. At the top of our list is the hope for a future in which no one goes to bed hungry. Read more >>

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Bangladeshi Farmers Reap Rewards from New Agricultural Techniques

Half a world away from Des Moines, Iowa, where the World Food Prize “Borlaug Dialogue” International Symposium is being held this week, Bangladeshi farmers are hard at work sowing wheat and maize in their fields.

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Feed the Future: Partnering with Civil Society

New video from last month’s Feed the Future: Partnering with Civil Society event, featuring Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, President Joyce Banda of Malawi, and journalist Nicholas Kristof.

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