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Earth Surface Processes Terrain Modeling and Geographic Analysis Project
Publications - USGS Data Series 130



U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 130

By Peter G. Chirico and Boris Barrios


This publication was completed under Interagency Agreement 306-P-00-04-00566-00 between the U.S. Agency for International Development and the U.S Geological Survey.


The purpose of this data set is to provide a single consistent elevation model to be used for national scale mapping, GIS, remote sensing applications, and natural resource assessments for Afghanistan's reconstruction.

For 11 days in February of 2000, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency ian Space Agency (ASI) flew X-band and C-band radar interferometry onboard the Space Shuttle Endeavor. The mission covered the Earth between 60ºN and 57ºS and will provide interferometric digital elevation models (DEMs) of approximately 80% of the Earth's land mass when processing is complete. The radar-pointing angle was approximately 55º at scene center. Ascending and descending orbital passes generated multiple interferometric data scenes for nearly all areas. Up to eight passes of data were merged to form the final processed Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) DEMs. The effect of merging scenes averages elevation values recorded in coincident scenes and reduces, but does not completely eliminate, the amount of area with layover and terrain shadow effects.

The most significant form of data processing for the Afghanistan DEM was gap-filling areas where the SRTM data contained a data void. These void areas are as a result of radar shadow, layover, standing water, and other effects of terrain as well as technical radar interferometry phase unwrapping issues. To fill these gaps, topographic contours were digitized from 1:200,000 - scale Soviet General Staff Topographic Maps which date from the middle to late 1980's. Digital contours were gridded to form elevation models for void areas and subsequently were merged with the SRTM data through GIS and image processing techniques.

The data contained in this publication includes SRTM DEM quadrangles projected and clipped in geographic coordinates for the entire country. An index of all available SRTM DEM quadrangles is displayed here: Index_Geo_DD.pdf. Also included are quadrangles projected into their appropriate Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projection. The country of Afghanistan spans three UTM Zones: Zone 41, Zone 42, and Zone 43. Maps are stored in their respective UTM Zone projection. Indexes of all available SRTM DEM quadrangles in their respective UTM zone are displayed here: Index_UTM_Z41.pdf, Index_UTM_Z42.pdf, Index_UTM_Z43.pdf.



Includes TIFF files of each clipped quadrangle projected in Geographic Coordinate System (GCS) coordinates.


Image files used for this data series' webpage.


Index_Geo_DD.pdf – Map showing all SRTM DEM quadrangles in Afghanistan projected in GCS coordinates.

Index_UTM_Z41.pdf – Map showing all SRTM DEM quadrangles that fall into UTM Zone 41. Projected in UTM Zone 41N, WGS 1984 Datum format.

Index_UTM_Z42.pdf – Map showing all SRTM DEM quadrangles that fall into UTM Zone 42. Projected in UTM Zone 42N, WGS 1984 Datum format.

Index_UTM_Z43.pdf – Map showing all SRTM DEM quadrangles that fall into UTM Zone 43. Projected in UTM Zone 43N, WGS 1984 Datum format.


UTM_Z41_met.html – FGDC compliant metadata file for the quadrangles projected in UTM Zone 41.

UTM_Z42_met.html – FGDC compliant metadata file for the quadrangles projected in UTM Zone 42.

UTM_Z43_met.html – FGDC compliant metadata file for the quadrangles projected in UTM Zone 43.

Geo_DD_met.html – FGDC compliant metadata file for the quadrangeles projected in GCS coordinates.


index_wgs84.shp – Index grid of quadrangles projected in GCS coordinates.

index_UTM_z41.shp – Index grid of quadrangles projected in Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM), Zone 41, WGS 84 Datum (zipped).

index_UTM_z42.shp – Index grid of quadrangles projected in Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM), Zone 42, WGS 84 Datum (zipped).

index_UTM_z43.shp – Index grid of quadrangles projected in Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM), Zone 43, WGS 84 Datum (zipped).


Includes projected, into UTM Zone 41, geographically referenced, and clipped TIFF files of topographic map quadrangles that fall within UTM Zone 41.


Includes projected, into UTM Zone 42, geographically referenced, and clipped TIFF files of topographic map quadrangles that fall within UTM Zone 42.


Includes projected, into UTM Zone 43, geographically referenced, and clipped TIFF files of topographic map quadrangles that fall within UTM Zone 43.

Readme – Text - only readme file that explains the contents of the data files.

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