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August 06, 2009


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Yes, it has been very successful. There are plenty of fellows driving these cars into other cars at salvage yards..lots of fun

I thought that we learned from our mortgage crisis that increased debt is expensive. This program just "enourages" Americans to add to their debt. Has anyone calculated just how many of these cars will end up being repossessed? Who is going to pay for that? Let's see, $3000 for a $20,000 car that will not be paid off, times how many cars...that's another big number.

As long as the American people understand where the money for this program is coming from, and how it will later be paid for, I suppose no one can really complain.

Cash for Clunkers is working here in Orange County, California, too. Lots of people are talking about it and car dealer show rooms are full. That is great news to because every new car sold brings in sales tax money to Orange County, the City of Mission Viejo, and the Orange County Transportation Authority. For OCTA that means the cuts to bus service may not be as bad; and Measure M sales tax money is also going toward a major rail expansion program that will see Metrolink trains running every 15 to 30 minutes all day long between Mission Viejo and Fullerton. Rail will be the main backbone transportation system for the county beginning early to middle next year and busses will support Metrolink bringing people from home to train station and from train station to job site. Measure M sales tax money is making this possible and Cash for Clunkers is bringing in a lot of new unplanned for sales tax money. Thank you and best wishes, Michael E. Bailey.

Isn't it a little disingenuous to call a 25mpg car "fuel efficient" when there are cars obtaining nearly twice that number on the road?

Isn't this program about saving gas, lowering polution and getting away from our dependence on oil? Then why is it that my '98 Pontiac Grand Am, auto, 4 cylinder is only 1 mile-per-gallon higher than the CARS program allows, while a huge truck from '05, only has to SAVE 2-miles-per-gallon in order to get the $4500? I'm want to go to a Toyota Yaris which is a minimum of 13-miles-per gallon OVER what my current car gets per the program. I actually think that my numbers are more like 15-20 miles per gallon SAVINGS since I drive only in the city - no highway! I don't know, but my 13 mpg over the truck's 2 mpg seems like it deserves the $4500 a lot more. And yet, my 12 year old car is not approved for the program. And I am not happy. this program nees to be re-thought.

I learned in a Contemporary Environmental Issues class that trading in your gas guzzler for a Hybrid has an overall negative environmental impact. It’s better for the environment to keep the car you have because producing and transporting a new car has more of a negative environmental impact than the positive impact of driving even a Hybrid will ever have. Cash For Clunkers might provide a short term boost to the economy but if my professor was correct it is poor environmental policy. The program should have included Bicycles For Clunkers… Bus Passes For Clunkers… Scooters For Clunkers… How Can We Possibly Get You Out Of Your Car For Clunkers!...

Where is the documentation that proves the people trading in gas guzzlers for the cash for clunkers program are actually buying fuel efficient cars??? How do we know that they aren't just buying new gas guzzlers? Post the facts Mr. LaHood.

Surely the whole point and measure of the success should be in the environmental benefits, not in how much it helps the economy. It should also be noted that the most bought cars from this program have all been Japanese, so it could be seen as helping their economy more than the US's.

I specially wish to Mr. Barack Obama for successful car programme and better economy.

Charlie Wilson

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