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Net Primary Production (NPP) Project

The ORNL DAAC Net Primary Production (NPP) data set collection contains field measurements of biomass and estimated NPP for terrestrial study sites worldwide, compiled from published literature and other extant data sources. Compilation of these data sets was sponsored by the Terrestrial Ecology Program of NASA's Office of Earth Science.

The NPP data set collection contains 82 data sets for 65 intensive study sites broken down by biome as follows:

  • 7 Boreal Forest Sites
  • 35 Grassland Sites
  • 3 Temperate Forest Sites
  • 18 Tropical Forest Sites
  • 2 Tundra Sites
Some combination of above-ground annual peak live biomass data and/or seasonal biomass dynamics data is available for all sites. Many sites also have data on below-ground biomass and/or turnover. A number of previously compiled multi-site, multi-biome data sets of georeferenced NPP estimates are also provided in this data set collection.

The ORNL DAAC NPP Data archive includes data products from the following categories:

NPP Resources
The following NPP resources are maintained by the ORNL DAAC:
Get NPP Data
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Visualize NPP
Click on the image below to watch a 47-second video.

video of global NPP 2001-2002
legend accompanying video
2001-2002 Net Primary Productivity

This false-color map represents the Earth's "carbon metabolism" -- the rate at which plants absorb carbon out of the atmosphere. The map shows the global annual average of the net productivity of vegetation on land and in the ocean during 2001-2002. The yellow and red areas show the highest rates, ranging from 2 to 3 kilograms of carbon taken in per square meter per year. The green, blue, and purple shades show progressively lower productivity.
Source: Earth Observatory (NASA Satellite Measures Earth's Carbon Metabolism)
Related NPP Links
Information related to the NPP Project can be found at the following link:
Spatial Distribution of Net Primary Productivity (NPP) (in grams of carbon)


Revision Date: June 08, 2012 webmaster