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State Tobacco Activities Tracking and Evaluation (STATE) System Help

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            On This Page
 Using Detailed Report
 Using State Comparison Report
 Using Trend Report
 Using Highlights Report
The STATE System offers the following type of reports to its users:

Detailed Report: A report format displaying data for a selected topic (e.g.: economics), measure (e.g., cigarette sales), state, and year.

State Comparison Report: A report format displaying data for a selected topic (e.g., economics), measure (e.g.: cigarette sales), year for all available states with Microsoft (MS) Excel export capability.

Trend Report: A report format displaying data for a selected topic area (e.g.: Economics), measure (e.g.: Cigarette Sales) and multiple subtopics (e.g.: Average Cost per Pack), states and years with a graphical output option and Excel export capability.

Tobacco Control Highlights Report:
A report format displaying current state-based information on the prevalence of tobacco use, the health impact and costs associated with tobacco use, and tobacco excise tax drawing from multiple sources within the system. This report includes tabular and graphic output options as well as a feature to export to PDF.

Interactive Maps: New Interactive Maps have been added to the STATE System. View data for adult and youth current cigarette use, cigarette excise tax rates, preemption and smokefree indoor air legislation for all U.S. states across multiple years using interactive maps, trend lines, bar charts, and data tables. Using Interactive Maps

Using the Detailed Report

    1.     Select a Topic.
            Note: The Topic selected determines the options available for the Measure, State and Year fields.

    2.     Select a Measure.
            Note: The Measure selected determines the options available for the State and Year fields.

    3.     Select a State and a Year and click Generate Report.

Using the State Comparison Report

    1.    Select a Topic. 
            Note: The Topic selected determines the options available for the Measure and Year fields.

    2.    Select a Measure.
            Note: The Measure selected determines the options available for the Year field.

    3.    Select a Year and an Output Type in which you would like to view the data and click Generate Report
            Note: The application generates both tabular and graphical view for the HTML output option and 
            only tabular view for Excel output option. 

Using the Trend Report

    1.    Select a Topic and click Select
            Note: The Topic selected determines the options available for the Measure, Sub topics, States 
            and Years fields.

    2.    Select a Measure and click Select.
            Note: The Measure selected determines the options available for the Sub-Topics, States and 
            Years fields.

    3.    Select Subtopics, States, Years, Table Format, Graphic Format and Output Type in which you would 
            like to view the data and click Generate Report
            Note: (a) To select multiple values from the Sub Topics, States and Years, hold down the control key 
            on a PC or the option key on a Mac and click on your selections. (b) No data will be displayed if 
            no selections are made for Sub-Topics, States and Years fields. (c) If more than 5 states are 
            selected, the graphic format option will not be available, and the data will be displayed in tabular 
            format, only. (d) If more than 10 years or less than 2 years are selected, the graphical format option 
            will not be available. In such a case the data will be only displayed in tabular format.

Using the Tobacco Control Highlights Report

1.      Select a State, Year and an Output Type in which you would like to view the data and click Generate Report
         Note: (a) The application generates both tabular and graphical view for the PDF output option and only tabular view 
         for the HTML output option. (b) The following types of data are available in this report format.

Data Type

Data Sources

Smoking-Attributable Mortality (SAM), Smoking-Attributable Expenditures (SAE),
Smoking-Attributable Productivity Losses

Smoking-Attributable Mortality, Morbidity, and Economic Costs (SAMMEC)

Adult Cigarette Use

Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS)

Adult Attempts to Quit Smoking

Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS)

Youth Cigarette Use

Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS), Youth Tobacco Survey (YTS)

Tobacco Related Disparities in Cigarette Use Among Adult Population Groups

Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS)

Smokefree Indoor Air Legislation

Office on Smoking and Health (OSH)

State Revenue From Tobacco Sales and Settlement

Office on Smoking and Health (OSH), National Association of Attorneys General (NAAG), Orzechowski and Walker (OW)

Federal and National Investment in Tobacco Control

Office on Smoking and Health (OSH)

Tobacco Economy

Economic Research Service (ERS)

  • The application doesn't allow you to generate a graph if the selected criteria exceed 5 states or 10 years on the Trend Report page. However you can export the data to an Excel worksheet and generate a graph using MS Excel capabilities.
  • You can save the graph from the application by right-clicking on the image and selecting "Save Picture As." from the menu. You can then include the saved image in applications such as MS Word and MS PowerPoint by using the Picture option from the Insert Menu at the top. You can also print the individual images from the location they are saved.
  • The application does not currently offer summary reports for certain topics and certain measures and sub topics within a topic area. For example, summary reports are not available for the "Cigarette Sales" measure under the "Economics" topic. However, any kind of summary report or detailed report can be replicated on the Trend Report page by making appropriate selections for the various fields available at the top of the page.
  • The data can be sorted in ascending or descending order by exporting the data to an MS Excel worksheet and using the "Sort Ascending" function available in MS Excel.
  • For optimal printing, set the left and right page margins to 0.5.

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