Pathways to Employment Research

Recognizing Work as a Priority in Preventing or Ending Homelessness

Gary Shaheen and John Rio
July 2007

The literature speaks to the importance of employment in the lives of homeless individuals and shows how they can be assisted in job seeking  Some reports suggest it may be effective and worthwhile to offer employment at the earliest stages of engagement...

Barriers to Employment for People With Schizophrenia

Robert Rosenheck, Douglas Leslie, Richard Keefe, Joseph McEvoy, Marvin Swartz, Diana Perkins, Scott Stroup, John K. Hsiao, and Jeffrey Lieberman
March 2006

There is growing interest in identifying and surmounting barriers to employment for people with schizophrenia. The authors examined factors associated with participation in competitive employment or other vocational activities in a large ...

Cognitive and clinical predictors of work outcomes in clients with schizophrenia receiving supported employment services: 4-year follow-up

Susan R. McGurk

In order to evaluate whether the long-term provision of supported employment services reduced the impact of cognitive functioning on work, this study examined the relationships between cognitive functioning and symptoms assessed after the initial 2 years of the program, and work and vocational services over the following...

Evaluation of Disability Employment Policy Demonstration Programs

Lynn Elinson, William D. Frey, Martha A. Beemer, and Beth Slotman
June 1, 2005

Evaluation of Disability Employment Policy Demonstration Programs Task 10: Interim Report on ODEP Demonstration Programs: Accomplishments and Issues Identified by the Independent Evaluation.The Department of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP) has funded a number of demonstration projects ...

The Meaning of Computers to a Group of Men Who Are Homeless

Kathleen Swenson Miller, Stacey Bunch-Harrison, Brett Brumbaugh, Rekha Sankaran Kutty and Kathleen FitzGerald
April 2005

The purpose of this pilot study was to explore the experience with computers and the meaning of computers to a group of homeless men living in a long-term shelter. This descriptive exploratory study used semi-structured interviews with seven men who had been given access ...

Social Support, Drug Use, and Employment Among Low-Income Women

Victoria L. Brown and Micah A. Riley
January 2005

This study examined social support and its association with employment, income, and drug use in a sample of 534 low-income women. Functional support was defined as the perceived quality of one's interactions with others. Structural support was defined as the number of individuals within five particular types of networks: social, ...

Creating Hope Through Employment for People Who are Homeless or in Transitional Housing American Journal of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

Joe Marrone
January 2005

Persons with significant disabilities, especially those with problems relating to mental illness and/or substance abuse, face numerous challenges in securing employment.

Serving the homeless through the One-Stop system: A case study

Jennifer Henderson-Frakes
June 2004

In the summer of 1999, the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) awarded Social Policy Research Associates (SPR) a contract for the national Evaluation of the Implementation of the Workforce Investment Act (WIA). This study consists of three phases...

Building Bridges to Self-Sufficiency: Improving Services for Low-Income Working Families

Jennifer Miller
March 2004

In 2001, MDRC and the National Governors Association Center for Best Practices began an extensive examination of potential solutions and identified innovative programs under way in states and localities across the country. The culmination of these explorations is this report, which discusses the importance of serving the low-income working population and highlights many promising practices that take two broad approaches...

Next Step: Jobs Promoting Employment for Homeless People

David A. Long and Jean M. Amendolia
September 2003

This report—“Promoting Employment for Homeless People” —by Abt Associates demonstrates that integrating employment services into supportive housing not only benefits tenants, but is a cost effective investment that strengthens communities. In 1996, CSH and our partners in government, philanthropy, and the supportive housing industry launched...

Vocational outcomes among formerly homeless persons with severe mental illness in the ACCESS program

Judith A. Cook

This study examined the vocational outcomes of 4,778 formerly homeless individuals with severe mental illness who were enrolled in the Access to Community Care and Effective Services and Support (ACCESS) program, a multisite demonstration project designed to provide services to this population.

Employment outcomes for clients with severe mental illness in a PACT model replication

Robert E. Becker

Outcomes of clients with severe mental illness in a psychosocial and vocational rehabilitation program modeled after the Program for Assertive Community Treatment were tracked through record review to determine if clients' employment gains were sustained while they were in the program.

A randomized clinical trial of supported employment for inner-city patients with severe mental disorders

Robert E. Drake

This study evaluated the effectiveness of two approaches to vocational services for persons with severe mental disorders: (1) individual placement and support (IPS), in which employment specialists within the mental health center help patients to obtain competitive jobs and provide ongoing support, and (2) enhanced vocational rehabilitation (EVR), in which stepwise vocational services are delivered by rehabilitation agencies.

Impacts of the Project NetWork Demonstration: Final Report

Robert J. Kornfeld

The Social Security Administration (SSA) initiated Project NetWork in 1991 to test case management and referral approaches to providing rehabilitation and employment services to promote employment among beneficiaries of Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and applicants for and recipients of Supplemental Security Income (SSI) for blind and disabled individuals.

Employment and Training for America’s Homeless: Final Report on the Job Training for the Homeless Demonstration Program

John W. Trutko

The purpose of this report is two-fold: (1) to analyze the results of the Job Training for the Homeless Demonstration Program (JTHDP) and (2) to draw out lessons learned from the demonstration that can help guide future efforts at providing comprehensive and cost-effective services to address the problem of homelessness in the United States.

Employment and Training for America’s Homeless: Best Practices Guide

Susan Kessler Beck

The Job Training for the Homeless Demonstration Program (JTHDP) was authorized under Section 731 of the McKinney Homeless Assistance Act of 1987 (Public Law 100-77). The overall purpose of JTHDP was to “provide information and direction for the future of job training for homeless Americans.”