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Innovations for Existing Plants
Systems Analysis

DOE/NETL possesses strong systems analysis and policy-support capabilities. Systems analysis in support of the Innovations for Existing Plants Program consists of conducting various energy analyses that provide input to decisions on issues such as national plans and programs, resource use, environmental and energy security policies, technology options for research and development programs, and paths to deployment of energy technology. This work includes technology, benefits, and current situation and trends analyses related to CO2 emissions control. Systems analyses and economic modeling of potential new processes are crucial to providing sound guidance to R&D efforts. Since the majority of new CO2 capture technologies are still at a bench scale level of development, a conceptual design is first generated with emphasis on mass and energy balances. Based on available data and/or engineering estimates, these systems are optimized, and "what-if" scenarios are evaluated to identify barriers to deployment and help the process developers establish system performance targets. Reports that have been generated describing systems analyses in support of carbon capture efforts are shown in the table below.

Carbon Capture Reports  

Cost Estimation Methodology for NETL Assessments of Power Plant Performance

This paper summarizes the costing methodology employed by NETL in its costing models and baseline reports. Further, it defines the specific levels of capital cost as well as outlines the costing metrics by which NETL evaluates various power producing plants.

April 2011

Cost and Performance Baseline for Fossil Energy Plants - Volume 3b: Low Rank Coal to Electricity: Combustion Cases

The Cost and Performance Baseline for Fossil Energy Power Plants Study, Volume 3b: Low Rank Coal to Electricity establishes performance and cost data for fossil energy power systems, specifically pulverized coal (PC) and circulating fluidized bed combustor (CFBC) plants all with and without carbon capture and sequestration.

March 2011


Coal-Fired Power Plants in the United States: Examination of the Costs of Retrofitting with CO2 Capture Technology, Revision 3

This report describes the development of a database and geographic information systems (GIS) analysis of a defined population of coal-fired power plants in the U.S. to model the cost and assist in the assessment of the feasibility of retrofitting these plants with CO2 capture technology.

January 2011


Cost and Performance Baseline for Fossil Energy Plants - Volume 1: Bituminous Coal and Natural Gas to Electricity

The Cost and Performance Baseline for Fossil Energy Power Plants Study, Volume 1: Bituminous Coal and Natural Gas to Electricity establishes performance and cost data for fossil energy power systems, specifically integrated gasification combined cycle, pulverized coal, and natural gas combined cycle plants all with and without carbon capture and sequestration.

November 2010


Estimating Freshwater Needs to Meet Future Thermoelectric Generation Requirements

Future freshwater withdrawal and consumption from domestic thermoelectric generation sources were estimated for five cases, using AEO 2010 regional projections for capacity additions and retirements. Results demonstrate that carbon capture technologies could increase the water demand of thermoelectric power plants and indicate that consumption is expected to increase in all cases.

September 2010


Cost Performance for Low-Rank Pulverized Coal Oxycombustion Energy Plants

The objective of this report is to present an independent assessment of the cost and performance of low-rank coal oxycombustion power systems, specifically PC and circulating fluidized bed (CFB) plants, using a consistent technical and economic approach that accurately reflects current market conditions for plants starting operation in 2015

September 2010


Assessment of Hydrogen Production with CO2 Capture, Volume 1: Baseline State of the Art Plants

This study establishes performance and cost data for state-of-the-art fossil energy hydrogen production plants with carbon dioxide capture and storage. Both natural gas and bituminous coal feedstocks are assessed.

August 2010


Assessment of Power Plants That Meet Proposed Greenhouse Gas Emission Performance Standards

Technoeconomic assessment of western U.S. coal-fired power plants (greenfield IGCC and supercritical PC, and existing subcritical PC) each with three CO2 capture levels: 0%, 90%, and a level appropriate to meet California's standard of 1,100 lb CO2/MWh.

May 2010


Investment Decisions for Baseload Power Plants

This report identifies and discusses factors considered for investment decisions for base load power generation in the U.S. and their relative importance in investment decisions.

January 2010


Extending the CCS Retrofit Market by Refurbishing Coal Fired Power Plants

This report provides documentation and demonstration of a NEMS based modeling methodology to endogenously forecast trends in the refurbishment and retrofitting of coal fired power plants for carbon capture and sequestration, with special reference to the impact of NETL R&D programs.

July 2009


Database and Model of Coal-fired Power Plants in the United States for Examination of the Costs of Retrofitting with CO2 Capture Technology

NETL developed a GIS database of the US coal-fired power plant fleet to analyze cost and space availability issues associated with retrofitting for carbon capture.

April 2009


Water Requirements for Existing and Emerging Thermoelectric Plant Technologies

This study provides both water consumption and cooling duty factors for Nuclear, PC (Subcritical and Supercritical), IGCC, and NGCC power plants. Data is provided for both CO2 capture and no CO2 capture configurations of each type of plant.

August 2008


Volume 1: Bituminous Coal to Electricity Final Report

The objective of this report was to establish a cost and performance baseline for the oxycombustion process that can be used as a basis for comparison with past and future studies.

August 2008


CO2 Capture-Ready Coal Power Plants

This report examines the question of whether it is more cost effective to design a new plant in anticipation of future restrictions on carbon emissions so that the plant is CO2 capture-ready or to proceed with no anticipation of a future retrofit.

April 2008


Deployment of Advanced Coal Power in the U.S. under a Range of Carbon Tax Scenarios

The National Energy Modeling System (NEMS) was exercised to forecast market penetration for advanced coal power with CO2 capture under a range of CO2 emission tax scenarios, considering market-based incentives for low carbon emission power and improved technology performance consistent with the DOE/FE research portfolio.

January 2008


Carbon Dioxide Capture from Existing Coal-Fired Power Plants

This study evaluates the technical and economic impacts of removing CO2 from a typical existing US coal-fired electric power plant using an advanced amine-based post-combustion CO2 capture system.  The study investigates various levels of CO2 capture (30%, 50%, 70%, and 90%). 

November 2007


International Carbon Capture and Storage Projects Overcoming Legal Barriers

This document examines regulatory developments of major CCS projects to determine progress in regulation. Five case studies of CCS projects are examined, including enhanced resource recovery and direct storage options at various development stages.

July 2006
