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PMI: Presidents Malaria Initiative - Saving lives in Africa.

Photo Galleries

Photo of two children underneath a mosquito net.
Source Santénet/Chemonics
  • PMI Supports Indoor Residual Spraying (IRS) of Homes to Prevent Malaria in Africa
    PMI has supported IRS activities in all 15 focus countries. PMI activities include assessing the environment to ensure safe and effective use of insecticides, educating residents about the benefits of IRS, training local personnel to conduct spray operations, procuring insecticide and equipment, and monitoring and evaluating spray activities.

  • PMI Supports Use of Insecticide-treated Nets to Prevent Malaria
    In Africa, malaria is transmitted by mosquitoes that bite predominantly at night. Therefore, sleeping under an insecticide-treated net (ITN) can greatly reduce the risk of infection because ITNs repel mosquitoes and kill those that land on them. Increasing ownership and use of ITNs is a key component of PMI's prevention strategy.

  • PMI Supports Strengthening of Supply Chain Systems to Get Commodities Where They Are Needed
    To ensure adequate stocks of antimalarial drugs and other commodities, PMI works with NMCPs to strengthen each link in their supply chain, from selection of the appropriate products to monitoring stocks on shelves in rural health clinics.

  • PMI in Mali
    Under a unique public-private partnership the President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI), through USAID, provided $1 million for the purchase of 169,800 long-lasting insecticide-treated mosquito nets (LLINs) as part of a national child survival campaign in Mali conducted in December 2007.
  • Mrs. Laura Bush Highlighted Malaria Efforts During Africa Trip - June 2007
    Tim Ziemer, U.S. Global Malaria Coordinator, joined then-First Lady Laura Bush in Mozambique and Zambia during Mrs. Bush's four-country visit to Africa in 2007.

  • PMI in Mozambique
    PMI officially launched in Mozambique on December 20, 2006, in a village located in Gaza Province with a large and very cheerful crowd on hand.

  • Touching Individual Lives: A Photo Documentary of PMI
    In a little over a year, PMI is reaching 6 million people in Africa. Individuals talk about how these efforts are changing their everyday life for the better.

  • PMI in Uganda
    In September 2006, the President's Malaria Initiative (PMI) supported the launch of a 27 district net retreatment campaign titled, "Double Your Protection Against Malaria, Get Your Net Retreated."

  • PMI Kickoff in Zanzibar
    Thousands of people attended the PMI kickoff for Tanzania on December 19, 2005, at the Mahonda Police Football Grounds in Zanzibar.