Celebrating Five Years of Toxipedia













Toxipedia was launched in June 2006 and has steadily grown, now offering more than a thousand pages of information on toxic chemicals, ethical considerations, laws and regulation, the history of toxicology, green chemistry, and much more. 


Our goal is to provide scientific information in the context of history, society, and culture so that the public has the information needed to make sound choices that protect both human and environmental health.

Please make a donation today to celebrate our work and keep Toxipedia going strong many years into the future.

New Fungal Reference Guide on Toxipedia!

Toxipedia is now hosting Texas Tech University's Reference Guide for Fungi! This glossary of about forty species of indoor fungi features research abstracts from peer-reviewed journals. Find out about the possible health effects of the type of mold in your school or building, according to scientific research! Many thanks to Dr. Stephen Wilson and Dr. David Straus of Texas Tech University, as well as the Center for School Mold Help, for collaborating with Toxipedia!

Help Us Translate A Small Dose of Toxicology into Arabic!

Following the success of the 2nd edition of Steven Gilbert's A Small Dose of Toxicology, we are raising funds to produce an Arabic version! A Small Dose of Toxicology clearly presents the scientific basis around the adverse health effects of chemical exposures on humans and the environment. Our goal is to facilitate a basic understanding of the principles of toxicology in the Arab world and to help improve human health and well-being. Like the English edition, the Arabic edition will be made available as a free e-book.

Our crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo has ended, but you can still donate through our website via PayPal!

Please support us! Click here!

A Small Dose of Toxicology Available in Chinese!

《生活中的毒理学》重点介绍了生活和工作中常见的化学物质,如酒精、咖啡因、尼古丁、杀虫剂、铅、汞、砷、金属、溶剂、持久性污染物、内分泌干扰 剂、动物 与植物毒素、家中的有毒化学物质以及辐射、纳米材料、空气污染对健康的影响。涵盖了有毒物质引发的不良反应、生物学特性(毒性作用)和易感人群以及与之相 关的监管标准、使用与接触这些物质的一些具体建议。特别介绍了化学品对神经系统、孕产与发育的毒性作用,以及癌症发生与化学品接触的关系。还生动地介绍了 毒理学基本原理、对化学品进行风险评估与管理的方法与原则、毒理学本身的历史起源与发展、毒理学涉及的伦理、法律与社会问题,以及每个人在日常生活中可能 遇到的毒理学问题,列出了可供深入学习与研究的网站与参考书。

The Chinese edition of A Small Dose of Toxicology: The Health Effects of Common Chemicals, by Steven G. Gilbert, PhD, DABT, was published by Shanghai Scientific and Technical Publishers in December, 2013! This edition was translated by a team of Chinese toxicologists led by Drs. Zhijun Zhou, Xinsheng Gu, Jianghong Liu, et al. according to the revised and expanded second English edition. Chinese translations of the popular Milestones of Toxicology poster are also available. For more information on the book and the posters, visit www.chinesesmalldose.org! To download your free copy of the 2nd edition in English, visit www.healthyworldpress.org!

New Translations of Milestones of Toxicology Poster!

Our popular Milestones of Toxicology poster is now available in 10+ languages! Click here to view the poster in Arabic, Chinese (simplified), Chinese (traditional), English, French, German, Italian, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Korean or Turkish! Additional translations are on the way!

"Scientists must make both science education and community outreach a much more central part of the scientific culture."

-Bruce Alberts, Editor-in-chief, Science magazine (Dec 3, 2010 editorial)