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2012 Anniversaries. United States Mint. 220 years. Bureau of Engraving and Printing. 150 years. Making American History

The year 2012 marks some major milestones in the history of American money!  We celebrate our coinage and the people who guided its development and the part they played in Making American History.

As part of this celebration, the United States Mint and the Bureau of Engraving and Printing – the sole producers of our Nation’s legal tender coins and paper currency – have collaborated to offer the Making American History Coin and Currency Set. The set includes one 2012 American Eagle Silver Proof Coin and one Series 2009 $5 note.  Learn more and purchase.

History Made
Watch this video to learn how the United States Mint and the Bureau of Engraving and Printing have been "Making American History" through the years.

220 Years Ago
The United States Mint was established by an Act of Congress on April 2, 1792.  Learn more with our historical timeline, interactive timeline, and kids’ interactive timeline.  Celebrate with the United States Mint birthday animation.

150 Years Ago
In 1862, the Treasury Department was authorized to engrave and print currency.  This led to the creation of The Bureau of Engraving and Printing (BEP).  Learn more at and see for a historical timeline.

75 Years Ago
The San Francisco and Fort Knox facilities opened and construction of the West Point facility began.

History Makers
Watch this video to learn how the women of the United States Mint and the Bureau of Engraving and Printing have been "Making American History" through the years.

Below is a list of historical figures that circulating coins and currency have in common as well as activities relating to coins.  Visit the BEP’s site for activities relating to currency.

Elder Statesmen

Benjamin Franklin
Designer of the Continental Dollar and bust on half dollar.

Alexander Hamilton
First Secretary of the Treasury.

Former Presidents

George Washington
First President and bust on quarter.

Thomas Jefferson
Early proponent of decimal coinage and bust on nickel.

Abraham Lincoln
Bust on penny.

Theodore Roosevelt
Champion of updating American coin designs.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Great Depression President and bust on dime.

Other Presidents
See other presidents on coinage such as Andrew Jackson and Ulysses S. Grant on the Presidential Coins page.

Historical Figures in Common
Many historical figures have been represented on both coins and currency.

The Department of the Treasury Seal