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Hi, I'm Ch Sellers...the Deputy Wing Chaplain/Senior Protestant Chaplain at Kadena Chapel, Okinawa, Japan. I humbly invite you to come and join us in worship and religious studies. Currently, we have three worship services: Traditional at 0930, chapel 2; Contemporary at 1000, chapel 1; and Gospel at 1030, chapel 3. Also, we offer great religious educational training called the Bible Fellowship Institute every Tuesday evening from 1800 to 1900 at chapel 1, and family oriented groups such as Protestant Men of the Chapel, Protestant Women of the Chapel, and Protestant Youth of the Chapel.
Please come and be blessed...thank you.

Community Info:
Worship Attendance (Traditional, Contemporary and Gospel) --- Rate w/ bar-graph
Worship Service Tithes (Traditional, Contemporary and Gospel) --- Rate w/ bar-graph
Protestant Worship Services:
Traditional Worship Service --- 0930, Sunday at Chapel 2
Contemporary Worship Service ---1000, Sunday at Chapel 1
Gospel Worship Service ---1030, Sunday at Chapel 3
Protestant Parish Advisory Council (PAC):

Maj. Randy Sellers, Senior Protestant Chaplain
Capt. Daniel Call
Capt. Kevin Humphrey
Capt. Kennie Neal

Officers Christian Fellowship (OCF):
Our purpose is to glorify God by uniting Christian officers for biblical fellowship and outreach, equipping and encouraging them to minister effectively in the military society.Our mission is to build Christian leaders, families, and fellowiships.

OCF Home Bible Study is held every Friday night at 2233 Kerby Loop (Stearly Heights subdivision - Kadena AB).

Tuesday Night Family Bible Study:
Religious Education
Bringing you closer to the Lord through the understanding of His Word....
Protestant Religious Education
Every Sunday at 0900 we meet in the religious education building (#856)

What is AWANA?
AWANA is an international, nondenominational, Bible centered youth organization that provides weekly clubs and programs for children ages 3-18. The acronym AWANA comes from the first letters of the phrase, "Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed" (2 Timothy 2:15)

AWANA exists to reach children with the gospel of Christ and train them to serve Him. The priorities of AWANA also include scripture memory, reaching parents/families with the gospel, and training adults to minister to children.
Please peruse the site for more information. We look forward to hearing from you!    Click HERE to read more about AWANA

Protestant Women of the Chapel (PWOG):
Protestant Women of the Chapel (PWOC) is a women's ministry that unites, trains and encourages women in the military chapel community in their spiritual growth. PWOC is God empowered, Christ centered and Spirit led and exists as an extension of the chapel. We seek to encourage women to grow spiritually within the body of Christ through prayer, the study of God's Word, worship and service. PWOC welcomes women associated with all branches of the military, DoD civilians, and DoDEA employees.

Kadena PWOC meets weekly on Tuesdays from 9:15am to 11:30am at Chapel 3 for bible study and fellowship. We provide a Children's Program for ages 6months - 5 yrs and provide a room for Home Schooled children.
E-mail: kadenapwoc@gmail.org Website: http://www.PWOC.org

Protestant Storage:
News Letter
111016 Sunday Service (mp3 file) ---Voice/sound?

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PHONE: 315-634-1288
ADDRESS: Kadena Air Base Chapel
PSC90 Unit 5141 APO, AP 96368
E-Mail: 18wg.hc@us.af.mil

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