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MSHA - Title 30 CFR

Part 46 - Training and Retraining of Miners Engaged in Shell Dredging or Employed at Sand, Gravel, Surface Stone, Surface Clay, Colloidal Phosphate, or Surface Limestone Mines.


46.1    Scope.

46.2    Definitions.

46.3    Training plans.

46.4    Training plan implementation.

46.5    New miner training.

46.6    Newly hired experienced miner training.

46.7    New task training.

46.8    Annual refresher training.

46.9    Records of training.

46.10    Compensation for training.

46.11    Site-specific hazard awareness training.

46.12    Responsibility for independent contractor training.

Authority: 30 U.S.C. 811, 825.