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Tag: Foreign Assistance

Know Your Records: USAID, RG 286, Part I

The National Archives has a program of presentations called Know Your Records through which archivists, volunteers, and others share their knowledge of our records with you, the public.  It is a great way for interested individuals to learn what we have and how to use what we have to their advantage. The Text Message, in [...]

NAMES AND KEYWORDS in RG 469: Records of U.S. Foreign Assistance Agencies

Today’s post is written by Robert Fahs, a processing archivist who works with civilian textual records. This is the second post in an occasional series. For the first post, go here. W. Averell Harriman, Jr.  (1891-1986) played a leading role in President Truman’s Point Four agencies, first as the United States Special Representative (1948-1950) responsible [...]

NAMES AND KEYWORDS in Record Group 469: Records of U.S. Foreign Assistance Agencies

Today’s post and other posts in this series are written by Robert Fahs, a processing archivist who works with civilian textual records. This blog entry begins an occasional series of descriptions intended to introduce names and keywords useful for searching ARC entries from RG 469: Records of U.S. Foreign Assistance Agencies, 1942 – 1961. Established [...]

I hope my crown doesn't clash with my dress

Our pals over at Prologue:  Pieces of History have “Facial Hair Friday;”  here at The Text Message, we give you “Beauty Queen Monday.”  The document featured in today’s post is from the January – February 1960 issue of “The Shield,” an employee newsletter published by the International Cooperation Administration (ICA).  You can find issues of  [...]


