Category: Recruitment and Placement Program

Excepted Service

The excepted service includes most of the positions in the legislative branch and judicial branch. In addition, there are certain executive branch positions or entire organizations which are in the excepted service by Statute. Examples of excepted service organizations are the Central Intelligence Agency, the Foreign Service, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Within the Department of the Army certain positions are in the excepted service.

Positions excepted from the competitive service by OPM or by law are placed into three categories, Schedule A, B or C.

Positions that would ordinarily be in the competitive service are in the excepted service while they are occupied by someone who was appointed under an excepted appointing authority that applies to positions "when filled by" particular individuals.

Within the Department of the Army, the term "excepted position" normally includes those positions paid from appropriated funds which are excepted from the competitive service by Section 8.3 of Civil Service Rule VIII, or Part 213 of the Code of Federal Regulations, or by statute.

Employees in the excepted service normally have no reduction in force assignment rights outside their own competitive level.

Content last reviewed: 6/8/2006-SWL


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