April 2, 2012

Daily Housing News Round-Up

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Secretary Donovan and other Obama cabinet members addressed youth violence at a forum in D.C. Two housing non-profits in Hawaii received HUD grants to address HIV/AIDS. More vouchers for veteran’s homelessness in Oklahoma. “It’s simple: You can’t be healthy if your home is sick,” And John Trasvina talks fair housing in Westhaven.

March 9, 2012

Daily Housing News Round-Up

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  Secretary Donovan was in Detroit today to tout HUD’s new LGBT rule that went into effect this week. Donovan called the rule “a real demonstration” of how important the issue of LGBT housing discrimination is to him and the White House. ‘You Are Breaking The Law, And You Will Be Held Accountable’ Donovan and Attorney [...]

February 10, 2012

Daily Housing News Round-Up

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Secretary Donovan joins the gang at Morning Joe to talk about the settlement. Felix Salmon calls the agreement a “win for all sides.”   Donovan also appeared on West Wing Week. He was on Bloomberg too. And the Baltimore Sun declares it: “A good deal for Maryland.”
