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Marine Corps Base Hawaii

"Supporting Readiness and Global Projection"

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Who should I contact if I have a rodent problem in office building?

A: Facilities Trouble Desk at 257-2380.

Q: Who should I contact if birds are nesting in office building?

A: Facilities Trouble Desk at 257-2380.

Q: Who should I contact if I find an injured bird?

A: Contact the Natural Resources Staff or MP Animal Control Office at 257-1821.

Q: Who do I contact to report a monk seal or turtle on the beach?

A: See Monk Seal and Turtle Reporting Procedures.

Q: Who should I contact if I want to cut down or plant a tree?

A: Contact the Natural Resources Manager - Natural Resources Staff.

Q: Where can I Fish and Hunt?

A: See Fishing Regulations; there is no hunting program on MCB Hawaii.

Q: Where can I go 4WD’ing / Off-roading?

A: There is no authorized off-roading on any MCB Hawaii installations or properties. MCB Hawaii Base Order P5500.15B and State law prohibits driving on beaches. For additional information contact the MCB Hawaii Conservation Law Enforcement Officer.

Q: Where can I get sand for sand bags, sand tables, etc?

A: Due to the erosional concerns and archeological sensitivity of MCB Hawaii’s shorelines and beaches, removal of sand for any purpose is NOT allowed. State law prohibits the removal of sand from all State beaches. Sand must either be procured commercially or you may contact Base Facilities to see if they have any sand stockpiled. For further information regarding sand removal, contact the Environmental Dept’s Cultural Resources staff at 257-7134 / 7126.

Q: What’s up with all the boulders?

A: The boulders were emplaced to protect our shoreline and coastal native vegetation from unauthorized vehicle intrusion. Contact Natural Resources Staff for further information.

Q: Who do I contact to find out about environmental tours?

A: See Tour Guidelines.

Q: How can I participate in environmental service projects?

A: Go to Volunteer Opportunities.