
Nanodevices and Microsystems

Microsystems-enabled photovoltaics, also known as solar glitter

To enable new and increasingly powerful macrosystem capabilities for critical national systems, the Nanodevices and Microsystems Research Foundation works to increase understanding of physical phenomena across the quantum- to microscale continuum, create novel nano- and microscale devices, achieve new methods of integration, and realize novel microsystems-based complex systems.

Why our work matters

Microelectronic circuits have a strong history of dramatically improving the performance, functionality, and reliability of national security platforms. Adding microscale sensors, photonics, and micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) to such platforms enables even further improvements to ensure a more robust national security profile.

Our unique value

  • Extensive scientific and engineering expertise in areas such as material growth and process development for silicon and compounds, device and product design, advanced packaging technologies for 3-D integration, and reliability and failure analysis expertise
  • The Microsystems Engineering Sciences and Applications (MESA) Complex, a 400,000-square-foot facility designed to integrate the scientific disciplines needed to produce functional, robust, and integrated microsystems
  • MESA Fabrication Facilities, which provide high-mix, low-volume production of custom integrated microsystem products and support for research; technology advancement and maturation; and small-lot, fast-turn prototyping

Our approach

Secure, trusted microelectronics

Enable the understanding and creation of microelectronics that are impervious to subversion by developing novel concepts, devices, and diagnostic tools

Beyond Moore technologies

Continue performance improvements beyond Moore's Law by developing nano- and microscale concepts, devices, and systems

Optoelectronics of the future

Provide new functionality by discovering and creating advanced optoelectronics at the nano- and microscale

Ultraportable, multifunction sensor systems

Enable portable chemical, biological, radiation, nuclear materials, and explosives detection that exceed current limitations in selectivity, sensitivity, and robustness by developing nano- and microscale concepts, devices, and systems

Nanoscale- and microscale-enabled performance

Provide new functionality and performance as a result of nano- and microscale phenomena