Cape Romain National Wildlife Refuge
Southeast Region


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Royal Terns on nest. Photo by Holland Mills

A rich natural resource and one of the most productive environments on earth, Cape Romain NWR is a haven for wildlife. Over 277 species of birds can be found on the refuge, with concentrations of shorebirds, wading birds, waterfowl and raptors. The refuge boasts the largest nesting rookery for brown pelicans, terns, and gulls on the South Carolina coast and harbors the largest wintering population of American Oystercatchers on the east coast. While visiting the refuge, you may see bald eagles, endangered wood storks and, during the summer season, migratory songbirds such as the painted bunting.

Over 24 types of reptiles, 12 varieties of amphibians and over 36 species of mammals have been recorded on the refuge. On Bulls Island, there are opportunities to view American alligators as well as black fox squirrels and white-tailed deer.

Cape Romain's remote barrier islands are crucial to the protection of the threatened loggerhead sea turtle and supports the largest nesting population of loggerhead sea turtles outside of the state of Florida. Learn about the refuge turtle project by visiting the loggerhead turtle page.


American Oystercatcher. Photo by Felicia Sanders Loggerhead Hatchling. Photo by Laura Smith
Last updated: October 9, 2008
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