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Unless otherwise noted (copyrighted material for example), information presented on the Vents Program World Wide Web site is considered public information and may be distributed freely. If you elect to use materials from this Web offering, please cite NOAA PMEL Vents Program as the source, and include the appropriate URL of the page(s) from which the materials were taken. If you reproduce text, please cite the original contributing author and their affiliation.

Themed Collections:

Ocean Exploration Ring of Fire
photo/video logs:

2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007


Mariana Arc:

2006 multimedia

2004 multimedia


Axial Volcano

NeMO Gallery
Animal Gallery
Dive!-Interactive dives

S.Cleft smoker, Juan de Fuca Ridge NE PacificBelow are links to these underwater videos, virtual realities, animations, panoramas, sounds and images of hydrothermal vent systems. Credit for all of our media goes to NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory's Vents Program.


new pillow lava, Lau Basin 2009Highlights:

W.Mata eruption videos and images

Video was obtained by camera mounted on the Jason autonomous underwater vehicle. The Jason team and scientists were on board the Research Vessel Thomas G. Thompson. Jason was lowered to the site 4000 ft below on a ~3/4 inch fiber optic cable while the ship held position above. The pilots maneuvered the Jason carefully into position to view the eruption. The sound on the video clips was recorded separately on a hydrophone (underwater microphone) placed on the seafloor about 50 ft away and later synchronized to the video.