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Bioacoustics Research Staff:

Dr. Dave Mellinger: CIMRS/Oregon State University, Research Associate, Project Leader

Dr. Holger Klinck: CIMRS/Oregon State University, Research Associate

Sara Heimlich: CIMRS/Oregon State University, Research Assistant

Sharon Nieukirk: CIMRS/Oregon State University, Senior Research Assistant

Karolin Klinck: CIMRS/Oregon State University, Research Assistant

Dr. Lu Yang: CIMRS/Oregon State University, Postdoctoral Research Associate

Jonathan Dodge: CIMRS/Oregon State University, Software Engineer

Acoustics Research Groups:



Ocean Ambient Sound


The CIMRS Bioacoustics Lab is part of the Cooperative Institute for Marine Resources Studies, a cooperative institute between Oregon State University and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). We are an interdisciplinary team of scientists and engineers investigating marine and terrestrial ecosystems using passive acoustic techniques. Our research focuses on the analysis of long-term data sets collected all over the world, and on the development of hardware and software tools for the bioacoustic research community.



Leopard Seals Surveyed by Sound (Discovery News 4/6/2010)

NOAA Expedition Hears Endangered North Atlantic Right Whales off Greenland (NOAA News 5/28/2009)

Right Whales Return to Former Killing Ground
(National Geographic News 5/20/2009)



  whale blow image



Sound Recognition Software: Ishmael, (Oregon State University CIMRS Bioacoustics Lab)