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The following sites are located in the country you selected: JP.

List of Sites (20)

Site NameLatitudeLongitude
Akanuma- Kushiro Mire43.11666667144.3666667
Appi Forest Meteorology Research Site Japan40.0141.5666667
CC-LaG site, Teshio Experimental Forest45.056339142.106203
Fujiyoshida Forest Met. Research Site35.45136667138.7652667
Grassland at NIAES36.0140.0166667
Hachihama Observatory (Ohtaki)34.53333333133.9333333
IGBP Tower Site- Hokkaido42.6141.6
Kahoku experimental watershed33.133695130.71187
Kawagoe Forest Met. Research Site35.15139.0833333
Lotus field on Lake Kasumigaura36.06666667140.25
Mase Paddy (participated in AsiaFlux activities from 1999)36.053972140.026917
Moshiri Birch Forest Site44.3842142.3186
Moshiri Mixed Forest Site44.3219142.2614
Onnenai- Kushiro Mire43.11666667144.3333333
Rice- Yawara-Ibaraki Prefecture36.0140.0166667
Sapporo Forest Meteorology Research Site42.98683583141.3852878
Seto Mixed Forest Site35.2500137.0667
Shionomisaki Laboratory33.44277778135.7594444
Tomakomai National Forest42.73697222141.5186389