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Health Care

For many Americans, medical costs are increasing dramatically and many individuals are concerned that affordable healthcare is a thing of the past. As your Representative in Congress, I am committed to finding meaningful solutions to our healthcare problems.

I believe that Obamacare does not offer the solutions we need to our country’s healthcare problems; rather, it will create more challenges for Americans and will reduce their choices for coverage.  Obamacare costs $1.2 trillion and will vastly increase the national deficit while numerous budget gimmicks included in the law will increase costs for many Americans.  I strongly disagree with Democrats’ “one size fits all” Washington standard.  Americans healthcare needs vary drastically; individuals should not be lumped together and forced into government run plans.  We must protect the doctor-patient relationship, as well as the right to choose doctors, care, and insurance.  Obamacare does not provide these protections, and despite President Obama’s assurances, there is no guarantee under this law that Americans who like their current insurance can keep it.      

For these reasons and many others, I proudly cosponsored legislation introduced by Majority Leader Eric Cantor that would repeal the President’s job-killing health care law, which was passed by the House of Representatives.  Our healthcare system must ensure that every American has the ability to get the treatment they need, when they need it at a cost they can afford.

Repeal is just the first step.  House Republicans are committed to replacing the health care law with commonsense reforms that will reduce costs and make health care accessible for every American.  We can accomplish this with market oriented reforms that will include medical liability reform, expanding state high-risk pools and opening the health care market for consumers to buy coverage across state lines.
Congressman Shuster’s Healthcare Priorities
  • I believe reform of our healthcare system must ensure that access to available high-quality, affordable health care should be the standard for every American.
  • Any health reform must allow for direct patient choice of doctors, care, and insurance options and preserve existing patient/doctor relationships. Patients and consumers should have their choice of care, therapies, insurers, and providers. No government policy or office should dictate how patients receive health care.
  • Healthcare reform cannot burden or favor one sector of the population or one sector of the economy over another. Over-taxation and unfunded government mandates will not ensure quality care or coverage.
  • Any reform of our healthcare system by government should not stifle or weaken research and development for medical products and therapies. Competition and innovation will maintain America's leadership in pioneering treatments and cures, as well as keep costs down.
  • Before undertaking massive reform, we must address cost control in care, entitlement programs, and ensure that all Americans have access to the best quality care available. I support a health care system that allows individuals the opportunity to actively participate in decisions that affect their family's care and reduce the government's role in private care.
  • We must address Medical Liability (tort) Reform. Meaningful tort reform would reduce health care costs and save the federal government $54 billion.  Medical lawsuit abuse is a major contributor to the cost of healthcare. Abusive malpractice lawsuits drive up the healthcare costs for patients and drive doctors away from practicing medicine. I support caps on punitive judgments from frivolous medical lawsuits.