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Congressman Bill Shuster

Throughout his career in the House, Congressman Bill Shuster has proven himself to be a leader on local and national issues, and an outspoken advocate for the people of the 9th Congressional District of Pennsylvania.  

Congressman Shuster is committed to bringing greater opportunity and a better standard of living to the people of the 9th district through his focus on economic development and transportation infrastructure.  As Chairman of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, Shuster continues to work to secure important funding for roadway projects in the 9th district as well as infrastructure improvements throughout Western Pennsylvania. One of the largest committees in Congress, the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee currently has jurisdiction over all modes of transportation: aviation, maritime and waterborne transportation, roads, mass transit and railroads.


Shuster has served on the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee since coming to Congress in 2001. He previously served as Chairman of the Subcommittee on Railroads, Pipelines, and Hazardous Materials and as Chairman of the Subcommittee on Economic Development, Public Buildings and Emergency Management.

In addition to Congressman Shuster’s expanded role on transportation policy, he continues to be an active voice in support of our Armed Services and a recognized leader on national security matters.  Shuster serves on the House Armed Services Committee, which provides him valuable insight into the Global War on Terror and how our military should transform to meet emerging threats, especially the threat of Islamic fundamentalism.

In addition to his regular committee work, Chairman McKeon named Shuster to serve as the chairman of a special panel to investigate the challenges small and medium sized businesses face in doing business with the Department of Defense.  The Special Panel on Challenges in the Defense Industry has held roundtables across the country with businesses and hearings with DOD personnel in Washington, DC to find out what Congress must do to reduce barriers to entry and expand our national defense industrial base. 


Prior to coming to Congress, Shuster worked on his family’s farm in Bedford County, gained valuable marketing and management experience with the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Corporation as well as with Bandag Incorporated where he served as District Manager.  He is also an experienced small business owner, having owned and operated an automobile dealership, in East Freedom, Pennsylvania.

Shuster was born in McKeesport, Pennsylvania on January 10, 1961.  After graduating from Everett High School he attended Dickinson College in Carlisle, where he received a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and History.  Shortly thereafter he went on to earn a Masters of Business Administration (MBA) from American University in Washington, D.C.

Congressman Shuster resides in Hollidaysburg, Pennsylvania with his wife and two children.