Congressman Sean Maloney

Representing the 18th District of New York
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In The News

Feb 14, 2013 In The News
WASHINGTON – Congressman Sean Patrick Maloney (D- Cold Spring) lobbied for federal funding for the new Tappan Zee Bridge during a hearing on infrastructure needs in the country held by the House Transportation and Infrastructure Commit
Feb 14, 2013 In The News
Times Herald Record Editorial

Our two local members of Congress have differences of opinion on many topics, but they have no trouble agreeing that the decision by the United States Postal Service to stop delivering mail on Saturday will be an inconvenience to their constituents, especially those in business.

Feb 13, 2013 In The News
Times Herald Record

The U.S. Senate voted Tuesday, 78-22, to reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act, which was originally passed in 1994 and twice reauthorized with bipartisan support.

Now it's up to the House of Representatives to lose the partisan rancor and pass its companion bill.

Feb 2, 2013 In The News
Times Herald Record

TOWN OF NEWBURGH — A bit of competition keeps everyone on their toes.

That's the idea behind U.S. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand's first bill in the new Congress.

The legislation, called the Made in America Manufacturing Act, calls for different regions of the U.S. to compete to win federal dollars that will go to support their manufacturing industry.

Feb 2, 2013 In The News
MidHudson News
NEWBURGH – “Jobs are job one. Jobs are job two. Jobs are job three for those of us in Washington,” said Congressman Sean Patrick Maloney (D-18) Friday afternoon at the Hudson Valley Technology Development Center in Newburgh where US Senator Kirstin Gillibrand (D-NY) and he announced the Made in America Manufacturing Act.
Feb 1, 2013 In The News
MidHudson News
POUGHKEEPSIE – A new resource for business owners and entrepreneurs is now available at Marist College, and technology will be a major component.
The Women's Enterprise Development Center, based in White Plains, opened its Mid- Hudson satellite facility Wednesday at Marist College in Poughkeepsie, and it will serve seven counties in the region,
Jan 30, 2013 In The News
Putnam Examiner

Congressman Sean Patrick Maloney, who represents the 18 N.Y. Congressional District, participated in a swearing in ceremony at Mahopac Public Library on Sunday, Jan. 27.

Jan 28, 2013 In The News

WASHINGTON - Congress is sending a $50.5 billion emergency relief measure for superstorm Sandy victims to President Barack Obama for his signature.

The Senate on Monday cleared the bill, 62-36. Northeast lawmakers say the money is desperately needed to help recovery efforts from the one of the region's worst storms. The House passed the bill two weeks ago.

Jan 18, 2013 In The News
Poughkeepsie Journal

It took freshman Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney only a day after his swearing-in to deliver his first floor speech. The Democrat from Cold Spring made his brief remarks during the Jan. 4 House debate on legislation to spend $9.7 billion paying flooding claims related to Superstorm Sandy.

Jan 17, 2013 In The News
Westchester County Business Journal

Freshman Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney, a Democrat hailing from Cold Spring, was among the youngest people to serve as White House staff secretary, doing so during the Clinton administration.

After defeating incumbent Nan Hayworth last November in the state’s 18th congressional district election, Maloney finds himself just a short walk down Pennsylvania Avenue at the U.S. Capitol.