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HOME > Outlooks > Monthly to Seasonal Outlooks > Long Lead Outlook Realease Schedule
Long-Lead Forecast Release Schedule for 2013
Fcst # Release Date Inclusive Seasons Fcst Month
1/2013 20 Dec 2012 JFM 2013 - JFM 2014 Jan 2013
2 17 Jan 2013 FMA 2013 - FMA 2014 Feb 2013
3 21 Feb 2013 MAM 2013 - MAM 2014 Mar 2013
4 21 Mar 2013 AMJ 2013 - AMJ 2014 Apr 2013
5 18 Apr 2013 MJJ 2013 - MJJ 2014 May 2013
6 16 May 2013 JJA 2013 - JJA 2014 Jun 2013
7 20 Jun 2013 JAS 2013 - JAS 2014 Jul 2013
8 18 Jul 2013 ASO 2013 - ASO 2014 Aug 2013
9 15 Aug 2013 SON 2013 - SON 2014 Sep 2013
10 19 Sep 2013 OND 2013 - OND 2014 Oct 2013
11 17 Oct 2013 NDJ 2013 - NDJ 2014 Nov 2013
12 21 Nov 2013 DJF 2013 - DJF 2014 Dec 2013
1/2014 19 Dec 2013 JFM 2014 - JFM 2015 Jan 2014

Forecasts are released on the third Thursday of the month, which varies from as early as the 15th to as late as the 21st, depending on the calendar. While the forecast is generally released and available on the WWW around 8:30 AM Eastern Time on a scheduled release date, users are reminded that the Internet is not recommeded for time-critical applications as it is not maintained by the National Weather Service as an operationally dependable distribution venue.

The schedule for 2014 will be released on or about Dec 1, 2013.

NOAA/ National Weather Service
National Centers for Environmental Prediction
Climate Prediction Center
5830 University Research Court
College Park, Maryland 20740
Page Author: Climate Prediction Center Internet Team
Page last modified: December 9, 2011
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