NTC's 2012-2013 Course Delivery Schedule Now Available

The NTC is pleased to announce that it has published its course delivery schedule through calendar year 2013. This schedule includes Safety, Safeguards, and Protective Force courses.

Hosting NTC Training

The NTC invites DOE sites, field elements, and organizations with the appropriate facilities to host training. If your organization is interested in hosting a scheduled NTC course, please submit formal communication from the Federal authority to the NTC Director.

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Courses and Training

MCA-150 Nuclear Material Control and Accountability Survey Procedures

Delivery Method: Instructor Led Course
Length in Hours: 35
Description: This course provides attendees with the knowledge and skills they need to function as team members during compliance and performance-based NMC&A surveys, audits, and assessments. It includes basic techniques for reviewing functional areas of the NMC&A Program. The course includes written tests and evaluated performance in team exercises. NOTE: As a reference aid, students should bring their copy of the student workbook from the prerequisite to this course, PHY-128DB Introduction to Basic Survey correspondence course. REQUREMENTS: Familiarity with DOE O 470.4B, Safeguards and Security Program; DOE O 474.2 Admin Chg 2, Nuclear Material Control and Accountability; OA MC&A Inspector's Guide (latest version); and Protection and Control of Safeguards and Security Interests. RECOMMENDED: Strongly recommend successful prior completion of at least one of the following courses: MCA-110 Basics of Nuclear Materials Accountability, or MCA-120 Basics of Nuclear Materials Control.
Audience: DOE and DOE-contractor personnel (entry-level or newly assigned) who are responsible for conducting surveys, audits, internal reviews, or assessments of the NMC&A program at DOE facilities.
Goals & Objectives: Upon successful completion of the course, students will understand: 1) Purpose, regulations, responsibilities, and techniques for NMC&A inspections. 2) Distinction between a compliance approach and a performance approach when conducting surveys. 3) Compliance and performance approaches used during the survey of NMC&A program administration, accounting systems, nuclear material measurements and measurement-control programs, nuclear material inventory programs, and material-control programs. 4) Process of validating data and closing out the survey. 5) Process of analyzing the data and preparing a report with survey rating.
Prerequisites: MCA-101DE Introduction to Nuclear Materials Control & Accountability

MCA-153 Introduction to Performance Testing for Nuclear Material Control and Accountability

Delivery Method: Instructor Led Course
Length in Hours: 32
Description: This course presents an overview of NMC&A components that can prevent, deter, or detect nuclear material losses (detection elements); and an overview of the process of planning, conducting, and evaluating performance tests of NMC&A components. Applicable department guides are also addressed. Early modules include written tests; the remainder of the course includes evaluated performance in team exercises. REQUIREMENTS: Familiarity with the MC&A Inspector's Guide (October 2009); DOE O 474.2 Admin Chg 2, Nuclear Material Control and Accountability; and DOE O 470.4B, Safeguards and Security Program.
Audience: DOE or DOE-contractor personnel who implement performance testing programs and conduct performance tests to validate vulnerability analyses, to demonstrate performance of NMC&A system elements, and to support audits and assessments.
Goals & Objectives: Upon successful completion of the course, students will understand 1) DOE policy, standards, and responsibilities for the conduct of NMC&A performance tests. 2) NMC&A detection elements and how to determine critical system elements. 3) Development of performance test plans and scenarios for the NMC&A program elements: Program Administration, Containment/Control, Accounting, Measurements/ Measurement Control, and Inventory. 4) Process for conducting tests, collecting the data and information, evaluating the information and drawing conclusions, identifying possible facility impacts, and reporting test results.
Prerequisites: MCA-101DE Introduction to Nuclear Materials Control & Accountability

PER-302 Survey of PERSEC

Delivery Method: Instructor Led Course
Length in Hours: 24
Description: This advanced-level course prepares students to participate and assist members of designated Personnel Security survey or self-assessment teams. The course includes instruction on the survey process (planning, conduct, and post-survey activities) and skills training (performance test planning, interview techniques, and report writing).
Audience: DOE and DOE-contractor employee personnel who have experience in the Personnel Security Program.
Goals & Objectives: Upon successful completion of this course, students will: 1) Be familiar with the survey process. 2) Understand the planning and preparing for a survey. 3) Understand the process for surveying the following: Personnel Security areas, Security Clearance Access Authorization requests, Terminations, Reinvestigations, and the Adjudication process. 4) Understand post-survey procedures.
Prerequisites: None

PFT-202 Survey of Protective Forces

Delivery Method: Instructor Led Course
Length in Hours: 40
Description: This intermediate-level course focuses on the knowledge and skills necessary to conduct effective and professional compliance and performance evaluations on protective force operations. Course content emphasizes the knowledge and skills associated with key survey functions, including pre-survey planning, document/records reviews, and performance testing. Each section is followed by a practical exercise. REQUIREMENTS: Familiarity with the DOE Facility Survey and Approval Program; Office of Health, Safety and Security, Physical Security Systems Inspector’s Guide; applicable DOE orders; and applicable policy directives.
Audience: DOE and DOE-contractor personnel who conduct (or participate in conducting) periodic safeguards and security (S&S) surveys that include the protective force topical area.
Goals & Objectives: Upon successful completion of this course, students will: 1) Be able to operate as effective and productive members of an S&S survey team. 2) Understand key success behaviors that are involved in surveying protective force operations.
Prerequisites: PHY-128DB Introduction to Basic Survey
PHY-130 Basic Survey

PHY-128DB Introduction to Basic Survey

Delivery Method: eLearning
Length in Hours: 40
Description: This correspondence course is available as a .pdf download in the NTC's Learning Management System (LMS). Please launch the course contents, download, print, and complete course per instructions. This self-directed, introductory correspondence course provides basic knowledge about the survey process (planning, conduct, and post-survey activities). The following topical areas are addressed: information security, materials control and accountability, protection program operations, program management, and personnel security. NOTE: Students will need access to orders and other pertinent documents to learn about these topical areas. All manuals related to this course can be found in their most current state at the following website: http://www.directives.doe.gov.
Audience: DOE and DOE-contractors newly assigned to facility security officer positions or functions.
Goals & Objectives: Upon successful completion of this course, students will have the skills to plan, develop, and analyze safeguards and security surveys as implemented through the DOE standardization of survey requirements.
Prerequisites: None

PHY-128DE Basic Survey Overview

Delivery Method: eLearning
Length in Hours: 1
Description: This introductory online course provides familiarity with the DOE survey process. Lesson 1, Introduction to DOE Oversight and Basic Survey, includes purpose and essential elements of the DOE Oversight Model and survey, review, and self-assessment programs. Lesson 2, Data Collection (Assessments and Methodologies), includes various assessments, methodology of data collection, and performance testing for survey data collection. Lesson 3, Survey Activities Following Data Collection, includes survey activities that follow the data collection process. Lesson 4, Final Report and Safeguards & Security Information Management System (SSIMS), includes elements of the final survey report and core functions of the Safeguards & Security Information Management System (SSIMS).
Audience: DOE and DOE-contractors newly assigned to facility security officer positions or functions.
Goals & Objectives: Through successful completion of this course, students will be familiar with the following basic survey concepts: 1) The purpose and essential elements of the DOE Oversight Model and the survey, review, and self-assessment programs, 2) Various assessments, methodology of data collection, performance testing, and validation for survey data collection, 3) Survey activities that follow the data collection process, and 4) Elements of the final survey report and core functions of the Safeguards and Security Information Management System (SSIMS).
Prerequisites: None

PHY-130 Basic Survey

Delivery Method: Instructor Led Course
Length in Hours: 40
Description: This basic course prepares personnel to participate and assist members of designated safeguards and security assessment teams, whether they be internal or external. The course includes instruction on the assessment process planning, conduct, and post-assessment activities and skills training, performance test planning, interview techniques, and report writing.
Audience: DOE/NNSA and DOE/NNSA-contractor personnel who are directly involved in the planning, conduct, and post activities of safeguards and security program survey and self-assessments (S/SAs).
Goals & Objectives: Upon successful completion of this course, attendees will be able to participate and assist members of S&S assessment teams.
Prerequisites: SAS-101DE-Module2 Introduction to Safeguards and Security
PHY-128DE Basic Survey Overview

PHY-200 Physical Security Performance Testing of Systems

Delivery Method: Instructor Led Course
Length in Hours: 40
Description: This intermediate-level course addresses the current sensor technology, performance-testing procedures, and maintenance to ensure operational performance. DOE O 473.3, Protection Program Operations, is covered in depth; DOE O 470.4B, Safeguards and Security Program, is covered as it relates to Physical Security Systems.
Audience: DOE and DOE-contractor employee personnel who have experience in Physical Security.
Goals & Objectives: Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to: 1) Identify current sensor technology that applies to their locations. 2) Implement performance-testing procedures. 3) Maintain sensors to ensure optimal performance.
Prerequisites: PHY-120 Intermediate Physical Security Systems
VAP-335 Fundamentals of Performance Testing

PHY-202 Survey of Physical Security Systems

Delivery Method: Instructor Led Course
Length in Hours: 32
Description: This intermediate-level course focuses on the knowledge and skills DOE survey personnel need to conduct effective and accurate compliance and performance evaluations on facility security systems, installations, and operations. It emphasizes knowledge and skills associated with physical security-related survey functions, and focuses only briefly on more general survey functions (e.g., survey planning and report writing). REQUIREMENTS: Familiarity with the Office of Health, Safety & Security Physical Security Systems Inspector's Guide; DOE O 470.4B, Safeguards and Security Program; applicable DOE manuals; and applicable policy directives. Thorough understanding and working knowledge of physical security systems (i.e., access control, intrusion detection and display, barriers, communications, testing and maintenance, etc.).
Audience: DOE and DOE-contractor personnel who perform or participate in surveys, self-assessments, and other types of inspections or evaluations that include the physical security systems topical area.
Goals & Objectives: Upon successful completion of this course, students will: 1) Be able to participate effectively and productively as members of safeguards and security survey teams. 2) Understand key principles involved in surveys for determining system effectiveness based on performance and on compliance with DOE requirements. 3) Understand key techniques for successfully completing a survey of physical security systems.
Prerequisites: PHY-100DB Introduction to Physical Protection Systems
PHY-130 Basic Survey

VAP-335 Fundamentals of Performance Testing

Delivery Method: Instructor Led Course
Length in Hours: 38
Description: This intermediate-level course is tailored to the VA process phase, providing methods of identifying essential element (EE), establishing a performance testing program plan, and a force-on-force exercise protocol document. Mathematical probabilities and risk equations are also presented. IMPORTANT: To register for this course, prospective students must have an active access authorization at the Q level; provide their name, site, and contact information for Q verification by NTC Security; and have current assignment as a VA analyst, performance tester, or VA trainer. It is recommended the student be familiar with the use of VA modeling software such as ASSESS-ATLAS, Simajin, AVERT, etc. EQUIPMENT: Pocket calculator
Audience: DOE and DOE-contractor VA analysts, performance testers, and VA trainers with Q clearances who are directly involved in the actual conduct, review, or verification of vulnerability assessments (VAs).
Goals & Objectives: Upon successful completion of the course, students will have an understanding of the knowledge and skills required to assist performance testers in the development, planning, and writing of performance testing protocol documents that will support and retrieve the performance-testing objectives and the execution of performance tests as related to EE and EE testing to be conducted at a DOE facility.
Prerequisites: VAP-140 Vulnerability Assessment Fundamentals
PHY-100DB Introduction to Physical Protection Systems
VAP-316 Vulnerability Assessment Baseline