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Meet the Musician

Musician 1st Class Amanda Polychronis,


MU1 Amanda Polychronis

Musician 1st Class Amanda Polychronis joined the Navy Band in November 2006.  She holds Bachelor of Music in both vocal performance and choral music education from Northern Arizona University and a Master of Music in operatic performance from Arizona State University.  Prior to the Navy Band, she enjoyed an operatic career performing around the United States. She has performed the title role in Massenet’s Chérubin with New Jersey Opera, Prince Orlovsky in Die Fledermaus with Opera in the Heights in Houston, and Zulma in Rossini’s L’italiana in Algeri with Arizona Opera. Polychronis was an apprentice of the legendary Santa Fe Opera where she worked with top directors and teachers including Colin Graham, Ashley Putnam and Nico Castel. While a graduate student, she performed lead roles in Mozart’s Cosi Fan Tutte and Purcell’s Dido and Aeneas.


Polychronis has been a regular concert and church soloist singing in such works as Handel’s Messiah and Faure’s Requiem. She has been the recipient of several grants, performance scholarships and awards, was a district first place winner for the Metropolitan Opera National Council Auditions, and has taken first place in Arizona’s National Association of Teachers of Singing competition for two consecutive years. In addition to performing, she maintains a private vocal studio and aspires to earn a doctorate in vocal pedagogy.