

Federal Air Marshal Program

March 14, 2003


We issued our audit of TSA’s policies, procedures, and controls for operating an effective and efficient Federal Air Marshal (FAM) program, a review performed at the request of Rep. Peter DeFazio. We evaluated the selection and hiring process, training program, and scheduling of FAMs to ensure they are properly trained and fully qualified to respond to incidents on board aircraft, and we evaluated management’s control over the program. We found TSA had made commendable progress in expanding the program, and management is taking steps to strengthen it. Nevertheless, we identified four areas needing immediate attention and made recommendations to TSA. TSA concurred with most of our findings and recommendations and agreed to take corrective action.

This report contains sensitive security information, and the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) at the U.S. Department of Homeland Security will determine if any portions are publicly released. For additional information, contact TSA’s Freedom of Information Act Office at (571) 227-2300 or (866) FOIA-TSA.
