Research Interests

Research Interests

Picture of Carrie Anderson
Carrie Anderson

Atmospheric Modeling, Condensates, Titan, Saturn

Picture of John Annen
John Annen

Facilities Manager

Picture of Shahid Aslam
Shahid Aslam

UV and IR Instruments, Mini-spectrometers

Picture of Gordon Bjoraker
Gordon Bjoraker

Titan, Saturn,
Jupiter, Mars, Cassini

Picture of John Brasunas
John Brasunas

Fourier Transform

Picture of Gordon Chin
Gordon Chin

Instruments, Venus, Moon,
Mission Concepts

Michael DiSanti
Michael Disanti


Picture of Kelly Fast
Kelly Fast

Mars, Titan,
Heterodyne Spectroscopy

Picture of Michael Flasar
F. Michael Flasar

Jupiter, Saturn,
Titan, Cassini

Picture of Terry Hurford
Terry Hurford

Europa, Enceladus,
Tidal Evolution

Picture of Donald Jennings
Donald Jennings

Instruments, Saturn, Jupiter, Sun, Cassini,
New Horizons

Picture of Theodor Kostiuk
Theodor Kostiuk

Heterodyne Spectroscopy, Titan, Mars, Jupiter

Picture of Brook Lakew
Brook Lakew

Acting Lab Chief
IR Detector Development, Instruments, Outer Planets

Picture of Avi Mandell
Avi Mandell

IR Spectroscopy, Exoplanets,

Picture of Dennis Reuter
Dennis Reuter

Instruments, New
Horizons, TIRS

Picture of Paul Romani
Paul Romani

Photochemical Modeling, Titan, Saturn, Cassini

Picture of Michael Smith
Michael Smith

Acting Assoc. Lab Chief
Mars Spectroscopy & Rovers,
Mars Global Surveyor

Picture of Ramsey Smith
Ramsey Smith

IR Instruments, TIRS

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