Facilities and Infrastructure

Laboratory Modernization

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Architect’s Aerial View Rendering of BNL Interdisciplinary Science Building

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Architect’s Rendering of TJNAF Technology and Engineering Development

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Architect’s Rendering of SLAC Research Support Building

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Architect’s Aerial View Rendering of ANL Energy Sciences Building

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Architect’s Rendering of LBNL General Purpose Laboratory (Seismic Phase II project)

To ensure the continued vitality of our national laboratories, the Office of Science is implementing a significant capital investment program coupled with elimination of excess facilities and a sound maintenance program. Through the Science Laboratories Infrastructure (SLI) budget, SC is investing more than $100 million annually in projects that will:

  • Renovate or replace space that does not meet research needs,
  • Replace facilities that are no longer cost effective to renovate or operate,
  • Modernize utility systems to prevent failures and ensure efficiency, and
  • Remove excess facilities to allow safe and efficient operations.

Eleven projects are underway, with more than 20 additional projects planned. All of these projects have been prioritized and sequenced into a Planning Baseline, which is integrated with the SC mission and based on each laboratory's Annual Laboratory Plan.

Follow our progress by checking back often and using the links below to navigate to individual project web pages.

Last modified: 2/6/2012 3:49:27 PM