Business Plan Competitions

Sandia seeks to support graduate school business plan competitions by providing students access to a range of technologies for consideration. Sandia has thousands of patents and copyrights they may consider. Within this universe, we attempt to identify a subset of technologies with the potential for exclusive licensing, the potential to be disruptive, and the potential to be developed into a marketable product within a reasonable timeframe. Links to the technologies appear below. Inclusion within the list is not an endorsement by Sandia that any technologies can be successfully commercialized and will meet the potential objectives. Students must make their own assessments. We encourage our inventors to answer students' questions regarding the technologies and will facilitate the interaction, but the level of support they provide is at their own discretion.

Selection of a technology for pursuit in a business plan competition does not reserve it for future licensing or obligate us to license it to the student group. Should students desire to license a technology, the documents resulting from the business plan competition may satisfy a portion of Sandia's requirements. If you have questions regarding the licensing process, please contact the licensing executive shown for the technology.

Technologies for the business plan competition are being identified, please check back later.