The Office of Acquisition and Assistance

USAID worldwide utilizes various acquisition and assistance instruments to implement its activities. Contracts, grants, cooperative agreements, and purchase orders are some of the instruments, which are negotiated and signed by USAID/Zambia.

These instruments provide a variety of commodities and technical assistance to support the attainment of the Mission's objectives in our delivery of goods and services to the Zambian people. Acquisition refers to obtaining goods and services, through various types of contracts, for the use or benefit of the U.S. Government.

Assistance refers to transferring funds (or other valuables) from USAID to another party for the implementation of programs, which will contribute to the public good through the furtherance of the objectives of the Foreign Assistance Act.

Business Opportunities

The following information is provided to you in order to take part in USAID/Zambia activities and respond to solicitation announcements.