January 15, 2013

Today 1.4 billion people live without access to modern energy services, severely limiting their opportunities for social and economic development. The impact of this limited energy access is particularly pronounced in the agricultural sectors of developing countries.

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December 13, 2012

LUSAKA—The United States and Zambia today jointly launched the new television drama series Love Games, an exciting new TV series about love and relationships in a time of HIV. The show’s storyline will raise HIV awareness by exploring the behaviors that put people at risk of HIV.

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October 23, 2012

Last month, during the 67th session of the United Nations General Assembly, global leaders reported to the world about progress on the Millennium Development Goals, including work to end chronic hunger and malnutrition.  In Zambia, close to 50 percent of children are stunted, 60 percent of Zambians have lived in poverty for the past two decades, and agricultural productivity is one-third the world average. 

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October 22, 2012

LUSAKA—In partnership with the Zambian government, the United States-supported Zambia Integrated Systems Strengthening Program began spraying over half a million targeted homes in Eastern, Northern, and Muchinga Provinces to kill mosquitoes that transmit malaria.  If all citizens who are offered this service accept it, over 2.5 million people will benefit from malaria protection. 

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October 17, 2012

LUSAKA—Today the United States government contributed ambulances and laboratory equipment to the Zambian government to help reduce maternal and newborn deaths.

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August 28, 2012

Chipata-The governments of the United States, Zambia, and Norway, along with Cargill, Community Markets for Conservation (COMACO), General Mills, and the Wildlife Conservation Society, jointly launched the Better Life Alliance today, a public-private partnership that promotes food security and conservation farming in Eastern Province. 

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