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GRACE Tellus Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment
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The GRACE Tellus team includes the following investigators:

Victor Zlotnicki, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology
Principal Investigator; geoidal and oceanographic components of sea surface topography; data management

Don Chambers, Center for Space Research, University of Texas at Austin
Baroclinic sea level component and surface geostrophic currents from altimetry and GRACE; global sea level change using altimetry sea level components related to thermal expansion and mass addition, determination of marine geoid. Removal of striping error.

John Wahr, University of Colorado
GRACE applications in oceanography,hydrology, cryospheric science, and post-glacial rebound

Sean Swenson, National Center for Atmospheric Research. University of Colorado.
GRACE applications in hydrology. Removal of striping error. Author of the interactive monthly browser

Michael Watkins, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology
GRACE Project scientist and Science Data System Manager; orbit computation, gravity field estimation

Erik Ivins, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology
Post-glacial rebound

Robert Raskin, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology
Data systems, visualization, interoperability

LAST UPDATE: 2008-11-20 VZ

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Responsible Individual:  Victor Zlotnicki