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 Tropospheric Sounding, Assimilation, and Modeling (TSAM)

The TSAM group develops satellite and in situ measurements of tropospheric composition for comparison with global and regional models to address the following science questions:

(1) What are the processes controlling tropospheric chemistry, the global energy, water, carbon, and nitrogen cycles, and their linkages?

(2) How will the distribution of these processes change with a changing climate?

The TSAM group is composed of scientists who are involved with the measurement and modeling of tropospheric composition including: tropospheric ozone and its anthropogenic and biogenic precursors, CO2, CH4, and CO, water vapor profiles and its isotopes, ammonia and NO2.

Our expertise includes (1) radiative transfer in the earth’s atmosphere, (2) optimal estimation of tropospheric gasses, surface water and carbon fluxes and trace gas emissions, (3) Data Assimilation, and (4) modeling of the terrestrial and atmospheric water and carbon cycles.

Our group is also involved with the following projects:

  • Carbon Monitoring System
  • The Total Carbon Column Observing Network
  • Use of satellite data to evaluate chemistry and climate models:

  • Atmospheric Chemistry and Climate Model Intercomparison Project (ACCMIP)
  • Chemistry-Climate Model Validation Activity (CCMVal)
  • We are also involved with the following NASA and NOAA Aircraft missions:

  • Intercontinental Chemical Transport Experiment
  • The Texas Air Quality Study
  • Arctic Research of the Composition of the Troposphere from Aircraft and Satellites

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