Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature
International Astronomical Union (IAU) Working Group for Planetary System Nomenclature (WGPSN)
Planetary Names: Search Results

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Your search results (1 - 50 of 145)
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Feature ID
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Diameter (km)
Center Latitude Center Longitude Northernmost Latitude Southernmost Latitude Easternmost Longitude Westernmost Longitude Coordinate System
Continent Ethnicity
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Last Updated
2 Aananin Aananin Rhea 0 34.9 339.9 34.9 34.5 339.8 340 +W (0-360) AS - Korea Crater, craters AA - Approved 1982 [30] Korean god of the Heavens. Oct 1, 2006
14659 Abassi Abassi Rhea 87.2 -21.3 146.5 - - - - +W (0-360) AF - Ghana Crater, craters AA - Approved Apr 23, 2010 [174] Efik (Ghana) creator god. Apr 23, 2010
53 Adjua Adjua Rhea 0 40.2 118.9 - - - - +W (0-360) AS - Ulci Crater, craters AA - Approved 1982 [50] Mythical heroine and ancestor of the Ulci tribe. Dec 30, 2008
95 Agunua Agunua Rhea 0 63.3 66.2 63.4 63.3 61 71.3 +W (0-360) OC - Melanesia Crater, craters AA - Approved 1982 [40] San Cristobal (Melanesia) god who made sea, land, people. Oct 1, 2006
14702 Ambat Ambat Rhea 42.9 -76.4 301.7 - - - - +W (0-360) OC - Melanesia Crater, craters AA - Approved Jun 17, 2010 [65] Creator of islands from the giant shellfishes in mythology of Malekula Island (New Hebrides/Vanuatu, Melanesia). Jun 17, 2010
231 Ameta Ameta Rhea 0 53.3 21.9 53.3 53.1 21.7 22 +W (0-360) AS - Indonesia Crater, craters AA - Approved 1982 [40] Ceram (Indonesia) ancestor whose blood made Hainuwele. Oct 1, 2006
14703 Amma Amma Rhea 31.4 -26.4 282.7 - - - - +W (0-360) AF - Mali Crater, craters AA - Approved Jun 17, 2010 [174] Dogon (Mali) creator of the universe. Jun 17, 2010
14704 Amotken Amotken Rhea 64.6 0.7 202.7 - - - - +W (0-360) NA - Salish Crater, craters AA - Approved Jun 17, 2010 [149] Salish (NW USA, SW Canada) creator deity, wise and kind old man. Jun 17, 2010
14705 Anansi Anansi Rhea 49 -63 213.6 - - - - +W (0-360) AF - Ghana Crater, craters AA - Approved Jun 17, 2010 [65] Spider in Ashanti (Ghana) mythology, who created the sun, moon, stars, and mankind. Jun 17, 2010
14660 Anguta Anguta Rhea 46.7 25.7 190 - - - - +W (0-360) NA - Eskimo Crater, craters AA - Approved Apr 23, 2010 [174] Eskimo/Inuit (N. Canada) supreme being who created everything, father of the sea goddess Sedna. Apr 23, 2010
408 Arunaka Arunaka Rhea 0 -15.3 22.1 - - - - +W (0-360) SA - Inca Crater, craters AA - Approved 1982 [30] Inca creator of all things. Oct 1, 2006
14706 Atabei Atabei Rhea 30.4 16 250.7 - - - - +W (0-360) SA - Puerto Rico Crater, craters AA - Approved Jun 17, 2010 [174] Taino (Puerto Rico) mother goddess, the “First-In-Existence.” Jun 17, 2010
465 Atum Atum Rhea 0 -47.1 1.1 - - - - +W (0-360) AF - Egypt Crater, craters AA - Approved 1982 [40] Old creator God of Heliopolis; became son of Ptah. Oct 1, 2006
14757 Avaiki Chasmata Avaiki Chasmata Rhea 580 25 279 47 3 278 280 +W (0-360) OC - Polynesia Chasma, chasmata CM - Approved Aug 6, 2010 [65] Underworld in mythology of Cook Islands (Polynesia), home for mother of Vatea, the ancestor of gods and humans. Aug 6, 2010
14661 Awonawilona Awonawilona Rhea 49.8 -37.3 150.3 - - - - +W (0-360) NA - Zuni Crater, craters AA - Approved Apr 23, 2010 [83] Zuni (New Mexico, USA) primeval deity, supreme life giver. Apr 23, 2010
914 Bulagat Bulagat Rhea 0 -38.2 15.2 -38.2 -38.2 15.1 15.3 +W (0-360) AS - Buriat Crater, craters AA - Approved 1982 [22] Mythological ancestor of the Buriat tribe. Dec 30, 2008
918 Bumba Bumba Rhea 0 63.1 50.4 63.1 62.8 50 50.4 +W (0-360) AF - Bushongo Crater, craters AA - Approved 1982 [40] Bushongo; dwelt in primordial waters; vomited up sun, moon, stars, animals, and men. Showed man how to make fire. Oct 1, 2006
924 Burkhan Burkhan Rhea 0 66.8 310.6 67 66.7 310.3 311.1 +W (0-360) AS - Buriat Crater, craters AA - Approved 1982 [40] Buriat (Siberia) god who created world. Dec 30, 2008
14662 Chingaso Chingaso Rhea 47.8 -17.1 106 - - - - +W (0-360) SA - Peru Crater, craters AA - Approved Apr 23, 2010 [236] Jivaro (Peru) wife of the creator god Kumpara. Apr 23, 2010
1281 Con Con Rhea 0 -25.8 12.7 - - - - +W (0-360) SA - Inca Crater, craters AA - Approved 1982 [30] Inca coastal creator god. Oct 1, 2006
14663 Dangun Dangun Rhea 77.5 7.2 208 - - - - +W (0-360) AS - Korea Crater, craters AA - Approved Apr 23, 2010 [65] Mythical ancestor of Korean nation, son of creator god. Apr 23, 2010
1557 Djuli Djuli Rhea 0 -31.2 46.7 -31.2 -31.3 46.7 46.8 +W (0-360) AS - Neghidhian Crater, craters AA - Approved 1982 [50] Neghidahan (Ukrainian) first man who was ancestor of the people. Dec 30, 2008
14664 Dohitt Dohitt Rhea 93.4 -18 74.1 - - - - +W (0-360) SA - Bolivia Crater, craters AA - Approved Apr 23, 2010 [174] Mosetene (N. Bolivia) creator of the earth and men. Apr 23, 2010
14708 Dotet Dotet Rhea 40.4 -45.9 204.7 - - - - +W (0-360) AS - Ket Crater, craters AA - Approved Jun 17, 2010 [65] Ket (Yenisey River area, Central Siberia, Russia) god, creator of the northern, down-sloped part of the earth. Jun 17, 2010
14709 Ehecatl Ehecatl Rhea 93.6 -54.7 175.6 - - - - +W (0-360) SA - Aztec Crater, craters AA - Approved Jun 17, 2010 [238] Aztec feathered serpent god of wind, one of the creators of the Earth, heavens and humans. His other name is Quetzalcoatl. Jun 17, 2010
1772 Ellyay Ellyay Rhea 0 71.4 91.8 71.3 71.2 91.6 91.9 +W (0-360) AS - Yakutian Crater, craters AA - Approved 1982 [50] Yakutian ancestor of the people. Dec 30, 2008
14710 Enkai Enkai Rhea 48.4 38 246.3 - - - - +W (0-360) AF - Tanzania Crater, craters AA - Approved Jun 17, 2010 [65] Maasai (Tanzania, Kenya) creator god and the ruler of rains. Jun 17, 2010
1914 Faro Faro Rhea 0 45.3 114 45.4 45.3 114 114.1 +W (0-360) AF - Mande Crater, craters AA - Approved 1982 [40] Mande; his sacrificial killing in heaven atoned for his twin Pemba's sin; purified Earth. Oct 1, 2006
14665 Fatu Fatu Rhea 88 7.7 176.1 - - - - +W (0-360) OC - Samoa Crater, craters AA - Approved Apr 23, 2010 [236] Samoan (Polynesia) male of the first human couple. Apr 23, 2010
14711 Fuxi Fuxi Rhea 47.2 -5.5 124.2 - - - - +W (0-360) AS - China Crater, craters AA - Approved Jun 17, 2010 [239] Chinese god, husband of the goddess Nugua. These two beings were worshipped as the ultimate ancestors of all humankind. Jun 17, 2010
14758 Galunlati Chasmata Galunlati Chasmata Rhea 740 38 290 60 4 280 300 +W (0-360) NA - Cherokee Chasma, chasmata CM - Approved Aug 6, 2010 [236] Vault above the sky in Cherokee (SE USA) myths, where anything that was alive lived before the creation of Earth. Aug 6, 2010
14666 Gborogboro Gborogboro Rhea 62.5 -12.7 162.2 - - - - +W (0-360) AF - Uganda Crater, craters AA - Approved Apr 23, 2010 [236] Lugbara (Uganda) first man, pair to Meme. Apr 23, 2010
14712 Glooskap Glooskap Rhea 63.2 -35 57.2 - - - - +W (0-360) NA - Algonquin Crater, craters AA - Approved Jun 17, 2010 [144] Algonquin (Great Lakes area, Canada and USA) creator of plants, animals and humans; son of the Great Earth Mother. Jun 17, 2010
14667 Gmerti Gmerti Rhea 57.2 -52 192.6 - - - - +W (0-360) AS - Georgia Crater, craters AA - Approved Apr 23, 2010 [65] Georgian (Caucasus) god, founder and keeper of the world order. Apr 23, 2010
14668 Gucumatz Gucumatz Rhea 68.6 37 175.8 - - - - +W (0-360) SA - Mayan Crater, craters AA - Approved Apr 23, 2010 [174] Mayan creator god. Apr 23, 2010
2316 Haik Haik Rhea 0 -36.6 29.3 -36.5 -36.7 29.2 29.4 +W (0-360) AS - Armenian Crater, craters AA - Approved 1982 [50] Mythological ancestor of the Armenian people. Oct 1, 2006
2356 Haoso Haoso Rhea 0 8.3 12.5 8.4 8.3 12.5 12.5 +W (0-360) AS - China Crater, craters AA - Approved 1982 [30] Manchurian creator of all things. Oct 1, 2006
14762 Harahvaiti Fossa Harahvaiti Fossa Rhea 190 -36 171 -31 -41 167 175 +W (0-360) AS - Persian Fossa, fossae FO - Approved Aug 6, 2010 [245] Beautiful land created by Persian god Ahura Mazda (Ormazd); modern Kandahar, Afghanistan. Aug 6, 2010
2433 Heller Heller Rhea 0 10.1 315.1 10.1 10.1 314.8 315.2 +W (0-360) SA - Auracanian Crater, craters AA - Approved 1982 [14] Auracanin creator of men and bringer of civilization. Oct 1, 2006
14669 Huracan Huracan Rhea 71.2 53.2 188.5 - - - - +W (0-360) SA - Guatemala Crater, craters AA - Approved Apr 23, 2010 [65] Kiche (Guatemala) creator god, bringer of children, ruler of wind and storms. Apr 23, 2010
14670 Imberombera Imberombera Rhea 47.2 -33.3 216.7 - - - - +W (0-360) OC - Australia Crater, craters AA - Approved Apr 23, 2010 [174] Kakadu (N. Australia) creator goddess, the Great Mother, mate of the giant Wuraka. Apr 23, 2010
14713 Imra Imra Rhea 28 19 134.2 - - - - +W (0-360) AS - Afghanistan Crater, craters AA - Approved Jun 17, 2010 [65] Kafir (Nuristan, NE Afghanistan) supreme god, creator of gods and people. Jun 17, 2010
14671 Inktomi Inktomi Rhea 47.2 -14.1 112.1 - - - - +W (0-360) NA - Dakota Crater, craters AA - Approved Apr 23, 2010 [174] Dakota (USA) spirit, "The Spider," created time, space and language. Apr 23, 2010
14672 Inmar Inmar Rhea 54.8 -2.3 301.6 - - - - +W (0-360) EU - Udmurtian Crater, craters AA - Approved Apr 23, 2010 [65] Udmurtian (Uralic Finns, Russia) creator god. Apr 23, 2010
2710 Iraca Iraca Rhea 0 39.4 112.1 - - - - +W (0-360) SA - Inca Crater, craters AA - Approved 1982 [7] Incan creator god who became the moon. Oct 1, 2006
14714 Itciai Itciai Rhea 39.2 -17.8 349 - - - - +W (0-360) SA - Venezuela Crater, craters AA - Approved Jun 17, 2010 [174] Yaruro (Venezuela) jaguar god, creator of the river waters. Jun 17, 2010
2773 Izanagi Izanagi Rhea 0 -49.4 310.2 -49.6 -49.7 287 315.5 +W (0-360) AS - Japan Crater, craters AA - Approved 1982 [1] Japanese creator god, brother of Izanami. Oct 1, 2006
2774 Izanami Izanami Rhea 0 -46.3 313.4 -46.2 -46.3 313.4 313.5 +W (0-360) AS - Japan Crater, craters AA - Approved 1982 [1] Sister and wife of Izanagi; creator goddess. Oct 1, 2006
2865 Jumo Jumo Rhea 0 52.8 66.5 52.8 52.7 66.4 66.5 +W (0-360) EU - Mari Crater, craters AA - Approved 1982 [50] Marijan sky god. Dec 30, 2008
14715 Juok Juok Rhea 73.8 37.6 155 - - - - +W (0-360) AF - Sudan Crater, craters AA - Approved Jun 17, 2010 [65] Shilluk (S. Sudan) creator god. Jun 17, 2010

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