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Commercial News USA

Commercial News USA is the official export promotion magazine of the U.S. Department of Commerce. The catalog-style magazine is designed to help U.S. companies find buyers and distributors for their products and services.

Commercial News USA is distributed every two months, free of charge, to readers in 178 countries outside of the United States, including Finland. The magazine is mailed directly to qualified recipients, such as pre-screened agents, distributors, buyers, end-users, and selected multiplier organizations.

Commercial News USA gets results! According to data collected from buyers around the world, advertising in Commercial News USA generates an estimated:

  • 2,000 purchases per year of U.S. products and services
  • $90 million a year in sales
  • $7.5 million a month in exports from the U.S.

Potential customers can now access CNUSA online, and so can you! Click here for advertising rates and information, or call 1-800-581-8533.

Reserve your space in the next issue of Commercial News USA!

Country Commercial Guide

Finland's Country Commercial Guide 2011 is an extensive document that is meant to create an understanding of the Finnish markets and to give insights for investors.  It provides in-depth information about national markets on such topics as trade regulation, legal regulations, political climate and financing requirements.  In addition, it maintains a variety of statistics on market sectors sizes, imports/exports, and national trade figures.

Finland's Country Commercial Guide 2011 is provided in PDF file format for your downloading convenience.

Finland's Country Commercial Guide 2011 (PDF, 828KB)

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