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September 07, 2009


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Labor Day this year had signs of hope that it didn't have last year. The DOT has done a tremendous amount of good for the country with the ARRA. In Orange County, the unemployment finally looks like it may stabalize soon. It was up this time but just .3 of a %. OCTA will be laying off bus drivers and mechanics when the schedule changes on September 13. But another thing that really is good news is going on at the Port of Los Angeles. Old, polluting diesel trucks moved much of the cargo containers. But last year, the Port started an experiment using none polluting electric powered yard trucks. The experiment worked and now in addition to the yard trucks, the port is increasing the fleet to include on-road vehicles. The new trucks are heavy duty all electric powered, can pull a 60,000 pound cargo container at 40 miles an hour up to 60 miles on a battery charge. The port has ordered 25 of these trucks as its first mainstream operations order and part of the deal was that the truck manufacturer would set up the manufacturing plant in the City of Los Angeles. The new plant has hired its first group of 50 employees. Best wishes, Michael E. Bailey.

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