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September 10, 2009


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This is something I fully support. Child safety seats are critical and knowing how to use them is just as critical. Seeing that children are properly buckled up is one of the most important things parents can do to avoid the possibility of traumatic brain enjuries to their children. Best wishes, Michael E. Bailey.

We conducted a survey recently about child safety combined with ATVs, and the results were staggering.

Out of 100 adults who were asked one question: "If a retailer was selling an ATV for $300 - and another retailer was selling the same machine for $350 but, was throwing in a training package - guess how many would have purchased the more expensive?

[ 23 ]

Which means that in short, 77 people would have excluded the machine with safety training, sailing their own kids lives up the river for a staggering $50!

Whilst I can see how important it is that safety be made the most prominent part to a seat, do you not think that the retailers should take more resposible action to make sure the people buying the seats knew just how important it is to get them secured correctly.

It should be made a bill - whilst they all want to make money from parents and use scare tactics to prove the worth of the child seat - they should be made to install them as a matter of cause, don't you think?

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