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April 20, 2009


Is any of the money being spent on sidewalks, bike lanes, and trails, which would improve connectivity and safety for children and adults who are unable to drive due to age, disability, income, environmental concerns, etc? It would be nice to see more money and attention spent on pedestrian and bike facilities. Thanks!

Is any of the money being spent on sidewalks, bike lanes, and trails, which would improve connectivity and safety for children and adults who are unable to drive due to age, disability, income, environmental concerns, etc? It would be nice to see more money and attention spent on pedestrian and bike facilities. Thanks!

How do I get money to reconstruct a sidewalk on a nearby street.The town will do nothing, so I have to do the paper work and then get them to sign off. Do I have to find a union contractor( as I understand unions must do the work) and will they do the paperwork for me?

A lot of time passed and not much has been changed in Vermont. Anyway, i think you are right with the job creation, is the best way to recover from the economical crisys.

Very good article, thanks for sharing it with us!

@ pariloto, you are right.
Great article. congrats.

"The federal economic stimulus money is working here in New Hampshire," Gov. Lynch said. "In New Hampshire, we're going to be able to pave about 1,000 miles of roads."

I think it's quite a resonable decision.

@F4D, you are only a part right.
My opinion is that 1,000 miles of road is too much in such times.

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