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Uranium Leasing Program (ULP) Programmatic EIS
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Frequently Asked Questions

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

A list of frequently asked questions about the Uranium Leasing Program Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement.

Below is a list of frequently asked question about the Uranium Leasing Program PEIS. Click a question below to see the answer.

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What is an EIS?

"EIS" is the abbreviation for environmental impact statement, a document prepared to evaluate the impacts of proposed activities on the environment. "Environment" in this case is defined as the natural and physical environment and the relationship of people with that environment. This means that the "environment" considered in an EIS includes land; water; air; structures; living organisms; environmental values at the site; and social, cultural, and economic factors.

An "impact" is a change or consequence that results from an activity. Impacts can be positive or negative, or both. An EIS is a decision making tool that describes the impacts on the environment as a result of a proposed action. It also describes impacts of alternative actions, as well as ways to mitigate the impacts. To "mitigate" means to lessen or remove negative impacts.

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What is a Programmatic EIS?

A Programmatic EIS evaluates the environmental impacts of broad agency actions, such as the development of programs or the setting of national policies.

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Why is an EIS needed for the Uranium Leasing Program?

The DOE issued a Programmatic Environmental Assessment (PEA) in 2007 for the ULP. While DOE decided that an EIS was not needed at that time, the agency has now decided to prepare a PEIS, based on new site-specific information gathered by DOE since 2007 and agency actions proposed and approved pursuant to the PEA.

The PEIS will evaluate the environmental impacts, including the site-specific impacts, associated with continuation of the ULP for the remainder of the ten-year period covered in the PEA; and, if it decides to continue the ULP, to determine which alternative to adopt in order to manage the ULP during that period. This is a major federal action which could significantly impact the quality of the human environment. An EIS is the appropriate document to prepare for compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969. A PEIS is appropriate as the proposed action covers a major federal program.

A PEIS will allow for an assessment and disclosure of the environmental impacts associated with the ULP. This will facilitate input and suggestions from stakeholders including regulatory agencies, elected officials, environmental organizations, and individual citizens on how best to proceed with this program.

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What is the scope of the analysis in the ULP PEIS?

The scope of the PEIS includes an assessment of the positive and negative environmental, social, and economic impacts of the ULP. DOE proposes to address five alternatives in the PEIS. These five alternatives are described in the NOI, and are described on this Web site.

For more information, visit What Will Be in the Draft Uranium Leasing PEIS.

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What impacts and issues will be evaluated in the ULP PEIS?

The DOE has proposed that the ULP PEIS will evaluate the direct, indirect, and cumulative impacts to:

  • Biological resources
  • Water resources
  • Cultural and historic resources
  • Floodplains and wetlands
  • Socioeconomics
  • Transportation
  • Accidents and intentional destructive acts
  • Air quality
  • Land use
  • Environmental justice
  • Noise and light
  • Wilderness areas
  • Wild and scenic rivers
  • Visual resources
  • Human health and safety

For more information, visit What Will Be in the Draft Uranium Leasing PEIS..

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What alternatives will be analyzed in the ULP PEIS?

The NOI identifies five alternatives for evaluation in the PEIS. A copy of the NOI is given on the EIS Documents portion of this Web site. These alternatives are preliminary and may be updated and revised based on the input received during the PEIS scoping period. The final list of alternatives being analyzed in the Draft PEIS will be included on this Web site following the public scoping period.

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Are scoping comments available for public review?

All comments received during the public scoping period will be available for review via this Web site. They will be made available on the EIS Documents portion of this Web site for review and/or downloading.

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What is DOE's preferred alternative for the ULP?

The DOE has not yet identified a preferred alternative for the ULP PEIS. This decision will be made following completion of the scoping period and development of the Draft PEIS. While the Draft PEIS may or may not have a preferred alternative, the Final PEIS will include a preferred alternative.

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How long will it take to complete the PEIS?

Preparation of the ULP PEIS is a multistep process that will include preparation of a Draft PEIS, a Final PEIS, and a Record of Decision (ROD). A detailed schedule has not yet been developed for this process, and depends on the scope of analyses to be included in this document. This schedule will be developed following the scoping period, and will be included at http://nepa.energy.gov/.

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How can I participate in the PEIS process?

There are several ways to participate in the PEIS process. You can comment on the Draft PEIS, you may attend public meetings and hearings for the PEIS, you can read the PEIS and related documents in public reading rooms, and you can learn about the PEIS by using this Web site.

For more information, visit Getting Involved.

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How can I obtain a copy of the Draft PEIS?

The Draft PEIS will be available online in a downloadable and searchable format on this Web site when it has been prepared. This Web site will also provide an online order form and other information for obtaining a copy of the Draft PEIS.

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