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Data Tools

ORNL DAAC provides various tools and services to help researchers readily find and access data sets of interest. A broad categorization of the tools and their functionality is provided in the table below.

Functionality Matrix
Tool Name Description Links Data Search Visualization Subsetting Analysis Services
Mercury Metadata Search Search for ORNL DAAC metadata and related data sets. Provides free text, fielded, spatial, temporal and hierarchical search capabilities. Filter, sort, save, subscribe and bookmark search results
Tool Link
Metadata this tool allows the above functionality this tool allows the above functionality
MODIS Fixed Site Obtain MODIS Land Product subsets for areas centered on more than 1,000 field sites and flux towers from around the world Tool Link Gridded this tool allows the above functionality this tool allows the above functionality this tool allows the above functionality
MODIS Global Order MODIS Land Product subsets for any site, area (from 1 pixel up to 201 x 201 km), and time period globally. Tool Link Point
this tool allows the above functionality this tool allows the above functionality
MODIS Web Service MODIS Land Product subsets through standards based SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) Web service. Tool Link Point
this tool allows the above functionality this tool allows the above functionality
Spatial Data Access Visualize and download ORNL DAAC archived and other relevant geospatial data sets in various file formats, projection, and resolution using Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) standards. Tool Link
Gridded this tool allows the above functionality this tool allows the above functionality this tool allows the above functionality
WebGIS WebGIS is an Internet based technology that enables users to browse, query, and display spatial data using a standard web browser. Tool Link
this tool allows the above functionality this tool allows the above functionality
THREDDS Find, access, and subset limited datasets. Provides data using OpenDAP in a format useful for modeling. Tool Link Point
this tool allows the above functionality this tool allows the above functionality


Revision Date: July 24, 2012 webmaster