June 26, 2012 Materials Release


On June 26, 2012 the Nixon Library opened additional materials from the Nixon Presidential Materials. Below are scans of 66 documents that represent the variety of subjects and wealth of historical information included in this new release.

The documents are from file segments for the White House Special Files, Staff Member & Office Files; White House Central Files, Staff Member & Office Files; and the National Security Council Files series.

The following abbreviations are used below to identify original collections of the scanned documents:

Mandatory and Systematic Review Documents

The Library has posted 28 documents from the nearly 15,000 pages of formerly classified national security materials released on June 25, 2012. Among them is material regarding the reversion of Okinawa to Japanese administration, a memorandum calling for the creation of a Vietnam Special Studies Group within the National Security Council, National Intelligence Estimate 13-8-69 titled “Communist China’s Strategic Weapons Program,” and documents regarding Middle East nation’s oil policies.

United States/ Japan/Okinawa

  1. NIE, Prospects for the US-Japanese Security Relationship, February 27, 1969, folder [4] NSC Meeting, 4/30/69 – Japan; Seabeds [2 of 2]; Box H-022; NSC Institutional Files, Meetings Files (1969-1974)
  2. Memo, HAK to Sec. State, et al., Re: Policy Toward Japan, May 28, 1969, folder [13] NSDM 13; Box H-284; NSC Institutional Files, Records of the Staff Secretary (1969-1974) – NSDM Working Files
  3. Telegram, American Embassy Tokyo to Secretary of State, Re: President/Sato Talks: Okinawa “Goodies”, December 11, 1971, folder [8] Japan SATO (San Clemente), January 1972 [3 of 3]; Box 925; NSC Files, VIP Visits
  4. Report, Issues They May Raise, folder [7] Japan SATO (San Clemente), January 1972 [2 of 3]; Box 925; NSC Files, VIP Visits
  5. Telegram, Cabinet Office to White House, Re: Message from the Prime Minister to President Nixon, September 22, 1972, folder [3] Japan, March 6-June 8, 1972 [1 of 2]; Box 102; HAK Office Files, Country Files – Far East

Creation of the Vietnam Special Studies Group

  1. Memo, Kissinger for the President, Re: Analysis for Vietnam, September 5, 1969, folder [1] Vietnamization Vol. I, Sep. 67 – Dec. 69; Box 91; NSC Files, Vietnam Subject Files

Nixon, the Press, and Vietnam

  1. Memo, Kissinger for the President, Re: Anti-Communist Prospects in South Vietnam, July 22, 1969, folder [2] Vietnam Vol. VIII, July 1-31, 1969; Box 138; NSC Files, Vietnam Country Files
  2. Telcon, President and Kissinger, June 17, 1970, folder [9] June 11-17, 1970; Box 5; HAK Telephone Conversation Transcripts

Intelligence Problems

  1. Memo, Haig to Kissinger, Re: Talking Points for PFIAB Meeting, December 2, 1970, folder [4] Haig Chron, December 1-8, 1970 [2 of 2]; Box 974; NSC Files, Alexander M. Haig Chronological Files
  2. Memo, Kissinger to the President, Re: Sihanoukville Intelligence Failure, January 4, 1971, folder [5] Haig Chron, December 24-31, 1970 [3 of 3]; Box 975; NSC Files, Alexander M. Haig Chronological Files
  3. Memo, Latimer to Haig, Re: Request for Information by Admiral Anderson on Intelligence Forewarning, November 18, 1971, folder [5] Haig Chron, November 13-20, 1971; NSC Files, Alexander M. Haig Chronological Files

Black Power Activity

  1. Report on Black Power Activity in the Netherlands, May 28, 1969, folder [7] Project Alpha/Black Power/Europe; Box 78; WHSF: SMOF: John Dean, Subject File: Demonstrations and Domestic Intelligence
  2. Report on European Black Power Activists Planning Visit to U.S.A., June 25, 1968, folder [7] Project Alpha/Black Power/Europe; Box 78; WHSF: SMOF: John Dean, Subject File: Demonstrations and Domestic Intelligence


  1. Telegram, American Embassy London to Sec. State Washington, et al., Re: British Thinking on Arab Support for Black September Terrorists, March 21, 1973, folder [1] United Kingdom – Vol. #8; Box 730; NSC Files, Country Files – Europe
  2. Telegram, American Embassy London to Sec. State Washington, Re: Campaign Against Terrorism, March 30, 1973, folder [1] United Kingdom – Vol. #8, October 1972-September 1973; Box 730; NSC Files, Country Files – Europe

Chemical and Biological Warfare

  1. Minutes of NSC Review Group Meeting, Re: U.S. Policy on Chemical and Biological Warfare and Agents (NSSM 59), October 30, 1969, folder [1] SRG Minutes Originals 1969; Box H-111; NSC Institutional Files, Minutes of Meetings (1969-1974) – NSC Meeting Minutes

Psychological Warfare

  1. Memo, Kissinger to the President, Re: Psyops Campaign Against North Vietnam, July 15, 1972, folder [1] Haig Chron (Done by Kennedy), August 24-September 5, 1972; Box 994; NSC Files, Alexander M. Haig Chronological Files

Arab Oil Policy

  1. Cable, Richard Helms, Tehran to Kissinger #069, April 25, 1973, folder [1] Iran Vol. V; Box 603; NSC Files, Country Files – Middle East
  2. Memo, Colby to Kissinger, Re: Arab Oil Policy, January 22, 1974, folder [1] Egypt/Ismail, Vol. IX, January 1974 [1 of 2]; Box 133; HAK Office Files, Country Files – Middle East


  1. NIE, Re: Communist China’s Strategic Weapons Program, February 27, 1969; folder [7] NSC Meeting (San Clemente), 8/14/69, Briefings: Korea; China [3 of 3]; H-0023; NSC Institutional Files, Meeting Files (1969), National Security Council Meetings
  2. Memo, Kissinger for the President, Re: Sir Alex Douglas-Home’s Recent Conversations with Chou En-lai, November 15, 1972, folder [1] United Kingdom – Vol. #8, October 1972-September 1973; Box 730; NSC Files, Country Files – Europe

Exercise High Heels

  1. Memo, Haig to Barringer, September 12, 1969, folder [7] Exercise High Heel [October 1969]; Box 351; NSC Files, Subject Files
  2. Memo, Haig to Kissinger, October 8, 1969, folder [7] Exercise High Heel [October 1969]; Box 351; NSC Files, Subject Files

Latin America – Argentina

  1. NIE, Prospects for Argentina, January 31, 1974; folder [2] [National Intelligence Estimates – part 6]; Box 362; NSC Files, Subject Files


  1. Telegram, American Embassy Athens to Secretary of State, Re: Leftist Trend in Cyprus, July 2, 1974; folder [2] Greece Vol. V, July 1, 1974 – [August 3, 1974]; Box 595; NSC Files, Country Files – Middle East
  2. Telegram, American Embassy Nicosia to Secretary of State, Re: Right Wing Opposition to Makarios Return, November 25, 1974, folder [4] Cyprus Vol. II, July 1, 1974-; Box 592; NSC Files, Country Files – Middle East

Vatican and Birth Control

  1. Memo, Sonnenfeldt to HAK, Re: Ambassador Lodge Reports Again on Birth Control, April 6, 1971, folder [2] Vatican – Vol. II; Box 732; NSC Files, Country Files – Europe

Supersonic Air Transport (SST)

  1. Memo, Kissinger for the President, Re: Letters from Ambassador Annenberg, March 17, 1973, folder [1] United Kingdom – Vol. #8, October 1972-September 1973; Box 730; NSC Files, Country Files – Europe

First Lady's Press Office Documents

White House Central Files: Staff Member & Office Files

The Library has posted 17 documents from the nearly 75,000 pages of material in the First Lady’s Press Office. Among the documents are materials related to Prince Charles’ and Princess Anne’s visit to Washington, DC in June, 1970; a list of wedding shower gift received by Tricia Nixon from women members of the press corps; sketches of inaugural gowns by designers Henry Friedricks, Jeremy Wren and Ben Thylan; and materials related to Mrs. Nixon’s trips to Peru and Africa.

Classical Khmer Dancers at the Kennedy Center

  1. Memo, Kissinger to Winchester, Re: Classical Khmer Dancers, September 24, 1971, folder, President and Mrs. Nixon, Julie and David – Kennedy Center, Khmer Dancers – 11/19/71; Box 18; WHCF: SMOF: First Lady’s Press Office, Chronological Files

Classical Khmer Dancers at the Kennedy Center

  1. List, Gift list from Press Ladies Shower for Tricia Nixon, May 26, 1971, folder, Press Shower for Tricia [1 of 2]; Box 65; WHCF: SMOF: First Lady’s Press Office, Chronological Files

Mrs. Nixon Visits Africa

  1. Memo, Kissinger to the President, Re: Tolberts Thrilled by Mrs. Nixon Visit, November 17, 1971, folder, Africa: Connie’s Africa File [5 of 6]; Box 74; WHCF: SMOF: First Lady’s Press Office, Events - Trip Files
  2. Press Briefing Paper, Re: Mrs. Nixon’s Visit to West Africa, November 24, 1971, folder, Africa: Connie’s Africa File [5 of 6]; Box 74; WHCF: SMOF: First Lady’s Press Office, Events - Trip Files
  3. Citation, Grand Cordon in the Most Venerable Order of Knighthood of the Pioneers of the Republic of Liberia, January 3, 1972, folder, Africa: Liberia – January 2-4, 1972 [1 of 2]; Box 74; WHCF: SMOF: First Lady’s Press Office, Events - Trip Files
  4. Remarks, Prime Minister and Mrs. Nixon at the Kotoka Airport, January 5, 1972, folder, Africa: Accra, Ghana – Misc.; Box 74; WHCF: SMOF: First Lady’s Press Office, Events - Trip Files
  5. Field Message, USIS Abidjan to USIA Washington, Re: Visit of Mrs. Nixon to Ivory Coast, January 4, 1972, folder, Africa: Connie’s Africa File [2 of 6]; Box 74; WHCF: SMOF: First Lady’s Press Office, Events - Trip Files

Mrs. Nixon's Trip to Peru

  1. Memo, Mrs. Nixon to Charles Taft and Robert Finch, Re: Report on Trip to Peru, July 1970, folder, Peru: Connie’s File on Peru Trip [1 of 3]; Box 80; WHCF: SMOF: First Lady’s Press Office, Events – Trip Files
  2. Memo, Connie Stuart to Mrs. Nixon, Re: News Summary for Peru Trip, July 13, 1970, folder, Connie’s File on Peru Trip [1 of 3]; Box 80; WHCF: SMOF: First Lady’s Press Office, Events - Trip Files

Inaugural Fashion

  1. Information Re: Clothes for Inaugural, December 19, 1972, folder, Fashion Sketches (Inaugural) [1 of 2]; Box 102; WHCF: SMOF: First Lady’s Press Office, Events - Inauguration Files
  2. Letter, Adele Simpson to Helen Smith, January 30, 1973; sketch of Mrs. Nixon’s Inaugural Ball Gown, folder, Fashion Sketches (Inaugural) [1 of 2]; Box 102; WHCF: SMOF: First Lady’s Press Office, Events - Inauguration Files
  3. Press release and sketch, Mrs. Nixon’s Mink Jacket by Ritter Bros. and Ben Thylan, folder, Fashion Sketches (Inaugural) [1 of 2]; Box 102; WHCF: SMOF: First Lady’s Press Office, Events - Inauguration Files
  4. Sketches, Jeremy Wren’s design for Mrs. Nixon’s Swearing In Costume, folder, Fashion Sketches (Inaugural) [1 of 2]; Box 102; WHCF: SMOF: First Lady’s Press Office, Events - Inauguration Files
  5. Sketches, Henry Fredericks’ design for Julie Eisenhower’s Swearing In Costume, folder, Fashion Sketches (Inaugural) [2 of 2]; Box 102; WHCF: SMOF: First Lady’s Press Office, Events - Inauguration Files

Visit of Prince Charles and Princess Anne

  1. Schedule, Re: Schedule of Prince Charles and Princess Anne Visit for British Press, July 1970, folder, 7/16-18/1970 – Prince and Princess [Wales] Visit to the White House [3 of 3]; Box 98; WHCF: SMOF: First Lady’s Press Office, Events - Prince Charles and Princess Anne Visit Files
  2. Memo, Chapin to Haldeman, Re: Prince Charles/Princess Anne White House Entertainment, July 15, 1970, folder, Prince and Princess Visit – Connie’s File [3 of 3]; Box 98; WHCF: SMOF: First Lady’s Press Office, Events - Prince Charles and Princess Anne Visit Files
  3. Note, Prince Charles to the Nixons, July 18, 1970; folder, 7/16-18/1970 – Prince and Princess [Wales] Visit to the White House [3 of 3]; Box 98; WHCF: SMOF: First Lady’s Press Office, Events - Prince Charles and Princess Anne Visit Files

Alphabetical Name File Documents

The Alphabetical Name Files were used for routine materials filed alphabetically by the name of the correspondent.

Children's Letters

  1. Letter from Vicki and Gary Aaront to President Nixon Re: food money for the people of Pakistan, November 27, 1970, folder Aaronsona [2 of 2]; WHCF: Alphabetical Name Files
  2. Letter from Betsy Abbott to Mr. Nixon Re: Drafting of her choir teacher, January 7, 1971, folder Abbott, B. [1 of 2]; WHCF: Alphabetical Name Files


  1. Letter from Mr. and Mrs. Clifford A. Hofer to the President Re: Expression of support, March 24, 1974, folder Hofer [5 of 5]; WHCF: Alphabetical Name Files

Future Presidents

  1. Letter from Gerald R. Ford to William E. Timmons Re: Request for an autographed photo of the President for one of his constituants, August 22, 1972, folder Aai [6 of 7]; WHCF: Alphabetical Name Files


  1. Letter from Henry Abarbanel to Mr. Nixon Re: Kent State, May 5, 1970, folder Abai [2 of 5]; WHCF: Alphabetical Name Files
  2. Letter from Barbara Hofer to the President Re: Protesting apology to President Pompidou of France, March 3, 1970, folder Hofer [2 of 5]; WHCF: Alphabetical Name Files
  3. Letter from Alvin D. Hofer to the President Re: Reaction to a January 4th telecast, January 5, 1971, folder Hofer [3 of 5]; WHCF: Alphabetical Name Files
  4. Letter from Mrs. Leon C. Rozelle to Richard Nixon Re: Protesting tax system, June 23, 1972, folder Rozell [2 of 3]; WHCF: Alphabetical Name Files


  1. Letter from Richard Nixon to Mr. and Mrs. Clifford E. Hofer Re: Vietnam casulty condolence letter, April 14, 1969, folder Hofer [1 of 5]; WHCF: Alphabetical Name Files
  2. Letter from John R. Hofer to Mr. Nixon Re: Concerns over policies governing the war in Southeast Asia, April 4, 1971, folder Hofer [2 of 5]; WHCF: Alphabetical Name Files


  1. Letters from Richard Nixon to Bud (and later Jennie Mae) Abbott Re: Well wishes for Mr. Abbott along with final letter of condolence regarding Mr. Abbott's death, May 18, 1971 - May 8, 1974, folder Abbott, B. [2 of 2]; WHCF: Alphabetical Name Files


  1. Letter from Micheal S. Smith to Anna Marie Abbamonte Re: Thanking Mrs. Abbamonte for her suggestion in a letter (dated June 1, 1971) on President Nixon's image, July 9, 1971, folder Abb [1 of 3]; WHCF: Alphabetical Name Files

White House Staff

  1. Letter from Harry S. Dent to James Abbee Re: Concluding his White House service, December 12, 1972, folder Abbe [2 of 3]; WHCF: Alphabetical Name Files

Sub-Cabinet MUG File

The Library is also releasing a series of formal portraits of high-level political appointees. Examples of these include portraits of Earl Butz, Secretary of Agriculture, Richard Kleindiest, Attorney General, Egil “Bud” Krogh, Deputy Assistant for Domestic Affairs, Melvin Laird, Secretary of Defense, George Romney, Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, Phillip Sanchez, United States Ambassador to Honduras, Brent Scowcroft, Deputy Assistant for National Security Affairs, and George Shultz, who held a number of positions in the Nixon Administration, including Secretary of the Treasury and Secretary of Labor.

  1. Butz, Earl MUG-B-006
  2. Kleindienst, Richard MUG-K-160.jpg
  3. Krogh, Egil MUG-K-155.jpg
  4. Laird, Melvin MUG-L-175.jpg
  5. Romney, George MUG-R-251.jpg
  6. Sanchez, Phillip MUG-S-275.jpg
  7. Scowcroft, Brent MUG-S-299.jpg
  8. Shultz, George MUG-S-272.jpg

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